Restorative practices in public schools: what the experience in Natal/RN city can reveal?
restorative justice in schools; violence in schools; violence prevention; justice and school relationship
Violence in schools is a reality worldwide and involves various forms and actors. In this direction, the Restorative Justice (RJ) in schools aims to achieve understanding among stakeholders to participate in its resoluteness. In Brazil, some experiences presuppose the instrumentalization of school actors, differing from Natal / RN, which happened through the Center for Restorative Juvenile Justice in Schools (CRJJS). Thus, it is aimed to analyze the possibilities and limitations of restorative practices. Therefore, 12 semi-structured interviews were conducted with representatives of the schools where the Center served. For data analysis, were created categories that comprise three areas of discussion: violence in schools, restorative justice in schools and preventive strategies for violence in schools. As outcomes, we have that violence occurs among students, which reproduce social violence within institutions. To solve it, the schools generally follow a flow of assistance that seeks to prevent the judicialization or drastic measures. With the Center, schools prefer their activities for being a justice agency; have qualified team; and because students respond better to someone outside the institution. It was also found that the students who participated were not involved in new conflicts and schools have changed their vision on how to solve them, however, as the RJ linked to the actions of the Center, it was poorly spread and schools did not involved so it could become a routine practice. Still, the thought of preventive strategies in schools indicated the RJ as a important one. It is
concluded that RJ may be a possibility to resolve conflicts and violence in schools, however, presupposes disposal of all so that it can be spread by the institution and triggers effective changes