Collective actions of June of 2013 to Brazilian (cyber)activism: a study on the political processes of subjectivation of Fora do Eixo movement.
Collective action, political activism, subjective processes
In the year 2013 we realized the socio-informational echoes of the manifestations occurred around the world, we also promote collective actions that have taken on mass character, and the as we have of work background. Among the social actors that stood out in 2013 we choose the Fora do Eixo (FDE), which transmitted by NINJA media the protests over the internet. The FdE is composed in its majority by young people who reside, work and circulate collective houses, have the information technologies a political tool. We understand that the experience of the political activism is a strong vector in the subjectivity processes, and occurs primarily within the social movements. We will approach the subjectivity on the prism of processuality, which admits the crossing of multiple vectors of forces political-desiring, discoursive, technological. Theoretical body cuts across the thought of Deleuze and Guattari, to treat subjectivity processes, the design of networks of social movements by Scherer, socio-informational networks by Castells, and political theory by Mouffe. Our objective was to investigate the subjectivity processes related to political activism experienced by members of the FdE movement. As well as understand their solidarity and struggle networks, understand the influence of informational agencements in political practices of this movement, accompany the processes of subjectivity and identity formation, and discuss its proposal for horizontality in power relations within the group. We conducted semi-structured interviews, participant observation, and research of multimedia material. The analysis occurred through the categorization of information aligned with the research objectives in which we separate the information into two general categories and three specific. Succinctly we observe how much the socio-informational agencies, pervade more by ethical-political the digital culture, than by technologic immersion. Demonstrating great flexibility and integration of their internal networks, but with little decentralization and horizontality.