A study of the evaluation process in Brazilian education from 2013 to 2017
IDEB, assessment, elementary education
The research developed focuses on the study of the evaluation process of the final years of elementary school in Brazil, being analyzed from 2013 to 2017. Since the reference years show a decrease in averages, in the final years of elementary school in most states and Distrito Federal, while the averages for the initial years continue to grow. Calling on the following question: How has the evaluation process influenced the results of the final years of Elementary School? Thus, aiming to analyze the main factors that contributed to this result, as well as considering the analysis from the theoretical concepts of sociological and discursive institutionalism, as institutions suffer and exert influence on society. As a methodology, the research will use the qualitative model, Process Tracing, which makes it possible to develop and test hypotheses based on the identification and analysis of evidence. Theoretical reflection will bring the historical questions of the school and institutional process, to a public policy focused on evaluations. With that, it is expected to identify the causes related to the results of the evaluations of the second cycle elementary education. work will be divided into three chapters, in addition to the introduction. In the first chapter we will discourse the methodology used in the work, followed by a brief history of the evaluation process in Brazil. In the second, we will discuss the quality of the test applied at IDEB; in the third, we will analyze the data in the period of the editions and the factors that contributed to the results, through the process tracking, followed by the final considerations.