state capacities, state governments, bureaucracy, management, education.
This dissertation aims to analyze the development of state capacities in subnational governments in the education area and their effects in public policies implementation. Based on the literature, there is evidence that the federative settings of education national policies after the enactment of the 1988 Federal Constitution and their institutional arrangements have produced the development of this capacities, whether as a professionalized bureaucracy or as the development of management capacities in this area – varying spatially, in particular, with the public service demand (Sátyro; Cunha; Campos, 2016). Thereby, the purpose of this study is to analyze these capacities in two aspects, one focused on the administrative/bureaucratic, checking the presence of professionalized bureaucracies, oriented by a rational-legal pattern, with availability of technical and organizational resources and coordination capacities (Evans; Rauch, 1999; Pires; Gomide, 2016); and, second, regarding the management of policies and programs. In order to achieve this, an analysis comparing the 27 the state governments of Brazil will be carried out, seeking to understand how are these state capacities built in the subnational level through this two dimensions, an attempt of fill the gap of studies who explain this relation. The methodology employed in this study, variable-oriented, will consist in a database elaboration, using the ESTADIC of IBGE and the Censo Escolar, both for the 2014, as the data source. Through the secondary data analysis, we seek to answer three questions: 1) how is structured subnational state capacity in the education?, identifying patterns of similarity and regional differences; 2) the increase of bureaucratic capacities results in better public policy management?; 3) is there an influence of institutional design of national education policies on state capacities of subnational governments?