Urban mobility; Governance; Actors and agents; Natal-RN.
The movement of people and goods within the urban perimeter is an inherent characteristic of cities. The National Policy on Urban Mobility was created in 2012 because of the Estatuto da Cidade, with the purpose of clarifying the guidelines needed to improve transportation in urban centers, given that the sector is undergoing a permanent crisis, where late planning or nonexistent exacerbated the difficulty of carrying out daily journeys, widening the congestion and hours spent in traffic. This is a problem that impacts all inhabitants, especially those who are more vulnerable, who live in more distant areas and depend on public transportation or non-motorized transportation to move, because of a high and continuous investment in public policies for individual motorized transportation. Public policy is built locally through the interaction between different actors and agents, to this, we call governance. In the city of Natal-RN it is possible to identify the presence of several actors involved in the issue of urban mobility, however how does this happen? What are their perspectives and objectives in implementing the policy? We start from the hypothesis that although the actors related to urban mobility policy recognize the importance and urgency of the theme for the cities, there are ideological or symbolic factors that impede an effective governance of politics. The general objective of the dissertation is to analyze the governance pattern of the urban mobility policy of the Natal city, based on the perspective and perception of the actors that compose it, unfolding in the following specific objectives: mapping the actors involved and their relations; identify how the main actors and agents perceive urban mobility and what their objectives are; and, finally, to analyze its permeability in the definition of the local agenda. For this, an exploratory study of the urban mobility of Natal between 2015 and 2018 will be carried out, using a documental investigation, collecting data through interviews and interpreting them with the case study. This will be done through the application of semi-structured interviews with the main actors and agents and later an analysis of the speeches through an analysis matrix. We believe that from this we can identify the governance model existent in the process of building policies in Natal, producing an analysis of how the organization of the local urban mobility policy is, helping the organization of the local agenda, collaborating for the insertion of new actors in the process.