Heart Disease, Sleep, Deprivation Sleep, Sleep Hygiene.
Fundamentals: Sleep disorders have a negative impacto on the cardiovascular diseases and could contribute for worsening nocturnal cardiac arrhytmias. Investigation about this, is essential in the heart diseases clinical follow-up, however, there are few studies documeting this disorders and analyzing the associated factors.
Objectives: To analyze the sleep quality e to evaluate the related factors in diferente groups of heart disease.
Methods: Two hundred seven patients ambulatory assisted with previous heart disease diagnosis, separated in five groups (Insuficiência Cardíaca, Arritmia, Coronariopatia, Combinadas), and Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica were subjectively evaluated for sleep quality by Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), excessive daytime sleepiness (SED), Insomnia Severity Index (IGI) and risk for developing sleep obstructive apnoea syndrome, in addition to sociodemographic data and clinical factors associated with heart disease. Data analysis were structured in Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia article format. Furthermore, cientific abstracts were developed and exposed in cientific congress and yet healthy orientations were given by structured guideline about sleep hygiene and sleep quality improvement in people with heart disease who participated in the study.
Results: 65,7% of the patients were poor sleepers; the mean sleep time/night was 396 minutes. Between the groups, there were no significant differences in PSQI (p=0,362), SED (p=0,644) and IGI (p=0,085). There were correlation between the body mass index and variables PSQI (r= 0,133; p=0,05), SED (r=0,160; p=0,02) and IGI (r=0,189; p=0,01). A logistic regression model showed significant association between PSQI and associated factors (hypertension, obesity, dyslipidemia, sedentary lifestyle, smoking e alcoholism), in which presence of obesity (p=0,050; β=2,365; IC=1,00-5,61), sedentary lifestyle (p=0,038; β=1,938; IC=1,04-3,62) and smoking (p=0,010; β=2,222; IC=1,21-4,08) determined worse sleep quality in this patients. In addiction, participants were oriented about sleep hygiene and sleep quality improvement in people with heart disease as an action to promote good health.
Conclusion: Patiens with heart disease have poor sleep quality with excessive sleepiness and some degree of insomnia, indepedently of cardiac disease, and health education politics linked to good sleep quality should be instigated to improve the heart disease follow up.