Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 07/12/2017
HORA: 15:00
LOCAL: Auditório E do CCHLA

Policy for the Development of Rural Territories in RN: an analysis focused on the ideas and communities of the actors


Public policies; rural territories; cognitive approach; ideas; actors.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Sociologia
SUBÁREA: Sociologia Rural

The thesis that will originate from the research outlined here has the objective of analyzing the process of implementing the development policy of the rural territories in the RN, from 2003 to 2016, in the light of the referential that originated it, evidencing the main factors that interfered in this process and what results have produced for their local conformation. Through this Policy, which is composed essentially of the PRONAT and PTC Programs, the Brazilian government adopted as a strategy to support the development of the territories through the construction of new spheres of governance and the implementation of processes of decentralization of government activities and of changes in the State-Society relationship, aiming to provoke a relevant change in the process of political democratization. Due to the heterogeneity of the territories and, consequently, their actors and interests, it is one of the assumptions that the effects produced by PRONAT and PTC are quite different, considering the reality of the territories where they were implemented. Why does this happen? Why have some territories shown more virtuous effects than others? What are the factors that explain these differences? Are these factors related to the quality of management, the availability of financial resources, expertise, political support or the action of mediators? The theoretical-methodological tools that will provide answers to these questions will be provided by the cognitive approach, which seeks to highlight the role of ideas, beliefs, social representations and learning in public policies. Among its different theoretical perspectives, the forum for analysis of forums and arenas was chosen, which seeks to identify the ideas and forums that produced them and how they interact, giving rise to policy references resulting from commitments made between actors in collegiate bodies. In terms of procedures / methodological delineations, bibliographic research, documentary research, field survey (semi-structured interviews), observation and analysis of secondary data to be extracted from the Nedet / MDA / CNPq / UERN database were chosen. The scope of the research will be limited to the rural areas of Potiguar, with an empirical emphasis on the territories of Sertão do Apodi and Sertão Central Cabugi and North Coast.


Presidente - 1121285 - FERNANDO BASTOS COSTA
Interno - 1678883 - CIMONE ROZENDO DE SOUZA
Externo ao Programa - 1486670 - CELSO DONIZETE LOCATEL
Externo ao Programa - 642.769.534-72 - EMANOEL MÁRCIO NUNES - UERN
Externo ao Programa - 1149330 - JOAO MATOS FILHO
Notícia cadastrada em: 01/12/2017 15:51
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