Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 18/07/2022
TIME: 15:00

HEALTH AND ENERGY: (a)symmetries in the promotion of Healthy Territories in Rio Grande do Norte.


Healthy Territory. Wind energy. Sustainability. Semiárido. Rio Grande do Norte.

BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Geografia
SUBÁREA: Geografia Humana
SPECIALTY: Geografia Urbana

Before the growing environmental problematic and its impact on the society-nature relationship, from the late 1970s onwards, we observed a greater participation of developed countries, both in the debate and in the implementation of actions aimed at promoting health in urban spaces, combating poverty, inequality and environmental degradation. Initiatives that took into account sustainable human development, social integration and the governance, among which we highlight the Healthy City Movement, in the late 1980s, they endorsed the debate about the inseparability between the health of the environment and the health of the body, taking as essential the preservation of natural resources and actions to improve the population's life context (work, leisure, way of life) in the search for a more healthy society. These same precepts also permeated the initiatives of the United Nations - UN in the following decades in the establishment of global agendas, with a focus on the quality of the environment, because of its impact on people's lives. In 2015, the UN renewed its commitment to promoting Sustainable Development through the document Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, a global pact to eliminate poverty, based on 17 Sustainable Development Goals - SDG, operationalized in 169 goals. The 2030 Agenda sheds light on the importance of health promotion in a broad sense (SDG 3), of mitigating the effects of climate change through the adoption of clean and renewable energy sources (SDG 7), and of the challenge of thinking about development from a territorial perspective, fostering sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11). In this context, the discussion about health, energy and sustainability gains a notable space in the political agenda of the countries (FARIAS; SELLITTO, 2011), although not necessarily in an articulated or even proportional way. Considering, then, the precepts of the 2030 Agenda, the interdependence between the SDGs, the alignment of the discourse of large corporations and nations with world economic hegemony about the need to achieve planetary sustainability eliminating all forms of poverty (UN, 2015), and having the production of electricity from renewable sources as a means both to combat the effects of climate change and to achieve sustainability in a broad sense, we investigated the promotion of Healthy Territories in their interface with wind energy production in Rio Grande do Norte. Therefore, we formulated the hypothesis that the production of electric energy, from renewable sources, has insufficient repercussions on the improvement of socio-environmental conditions in the territories, whose attributes favor the potiguar wind industry with benefits of little scope for the well-being of local populations. Thereby, the research on screen specifically investigates the interface between the production of wind energy and the health situation of the population in the areas covered by energy projects, questioning: to what extent the territory used for the production of wind energy in Rio Grande do Norte repercussions the promotion of Healthy Territory? In light of the research problem, we defined as a general objective to analyze the promotion of Healthy Territory in territory used for the production of wind energy in Rio Grande do Norte and as specific objectives: To characterize the territory used for the production of wind energy in Rio Grande do Norte; Build a qualitative basis matrix for the analysis of the promotion of Healthy Territory; and to analyze the promotion of Healthy Territories in the “municipalities/localities” that produce wind energy, based on the matrix built. The problematization of the research requires a theoretical construction in which the concepts of Territory, Health and Sustainability are contemplated from their interfaces. We know, in advance, that there is a gap in geographic studies, with regard to the notion of Healthy Territory and, in particular, to a reading that associates health and sustainability with spaces for the production of renewable energy. Healthy territory and renewable energy are perspectives of providing socio-environmental quality to society and are aligned, from the point of view of Sustainability, to the social, economic and environmental context of the territory as a resource, guaranteeing the realization of particular interests, and as a shelter, from the development of strategies that guarantee survival in places (SANTOS et al., 2000).

Interna - 6350736 - EUGENIA MARIA DANTAS
Interno - 3060741 - HUGO ARRUDA DE MORAIS
Externo ao Programa - ***.877.239-** - SAMUEL DO CARMO LIMA - UFU
Notícia cadastrada em: 14/07/2022 11:25
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