Quantum Biochemistry of Medicinal Drugs
gpcrs, mfcc, interactionenergy, serotonin, gaba, imunotherapy
The drug development process have been improved by the add of
other knowledge areas in the field of pharmaceutical sciences.
Among these improvements, the introduction of the computational
simulation was, with no doubt, one of the greatest landmarks for
the field’s development. Nowadays, there are two main targets in
drug development, the G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and
the immunotherapeutics. 5-HT1B receptors have been targeted for
the treatment of migraine, since they act in the brain arteries
contraction. By the other hand, class C GPCRs are potent
neuromodulators, though small attention has been dedicated to
them, such as the GABAB receptors. These receptor acts as potent
inhibitors of the neuronal signal, leadind to impairments in the
neurotransmitters release and closure of ionic channels. Despite its
pharmacological relevance, only baclofen is approved by US-FDA as
a molecule targeting GABAB, being used to treat neuropathic pain.
For the class of immunotherapeutics, the most remarkable are the
monoclonal antobodies (mAtb) which impair the binding between
checkpoint proteins of T cells and their ligands in cancer cells. The
main target for these mAtb is the programmed cell death protein 1
(PD-1) and its ligands, PD-L1 and PD-L2. In this sense, this work
propose a quantum biochemistry evaluation of the interactions
made by compound thar act in 5-HT1B, PD-1 e GABAB receptors
aiming to deepen the knowledge and describe the key points for the
docking and stabilization of these compunds within the binding site.
Thus, we take into account the crystallographic structure of the
three receptors, which were fractionated in amino-acid residues by
the molecular fractionation with conjugate caps (MFCC) scheme for
posterior quantum (DFT) calculation. By our results, it was possible
to predict the relevance of the amino-acids that compose the
binding site for the three receptors, including the residues ASP129,
ASP352, ASP123, GLU198, ASP204, PHE330, LEU126, PHE351,
ILE130, VAL201, VAL200, THR355 e ARG114, that are part of the
binding site for dihydroergotamine-5-HTR complex, the residues
SER130, GLY151, SER153, HIS170, TYR250, TRP278, GLU349,
VAL201, SER152, SER154, GLN348, ARG168 e TRP65, which
compose the GABAB’s binding site for GABA, baclofen, SCH50911
and 2-hydroxysaclofen, as well as the lisine residue K131 from PD-1
as the most relevant for the coupling of pembrolizumab, nivolumab
and PD-L1. These residues shown the most intense attraction of
repulsion energies, forming the key point for the ligand’s anchoring
and stabilization. Through these data, it was possible to identify and
describe the most important regions for ligands and receptors, as
well as explain and differentiate, in a molecular and energetic level,
the binding affinity experimentally found for these ligands.