
The graduate program in biochemistry of UFRN (PPGBIOQ) was created in 1996 offering initially the master’s degree program. The doctoral degree program was made available in 2009. Currently (February 11, 2019) the program has 30 permanent professors, 7 (seven) collaborating professors and 21 active students in the master's degree program and 46 in the doctoral degree.

The PPGBIOQ aims to promote the education and training of researchers in biochemistry and molecular biology with multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary experience, capable of acting in areas related to genetics, chemistry, bioinformatics, pharmacy, toxicology, ecology, materials science, education and epidemiology. The program’s perspective is to become an internationalized program, with a view to achieving more and more excellence in research. Due to the great versatility and the diverse applications of biochemistry, the program has also advanced in the provision of contents and activities related to entrepreneurship and innovation, in order to increase the insertion of its graduates in public and private institutions and the creation of new businesses.

 The program’s lines of research have been updated to cover all the activities of the professors that currently make up the program, as well as to broaden the program's lines of action and its position in the regional, national and international scenarios. The new lines cover all the old lines of the program.

The new lines of research that will be in force as of February 2019 are: 1 - Bioinformatics; 2 - Biotechnology; 3 - Biochemistry of Biomolecules; 4 - Biochemistry of Microorganisms and Complex Diseases; 5 - Education in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; 6 - Genetics and Molecular Biology.

The new lines replace the following lines that were in force until the end of 2018: 1 - Biology and Immunogenetics of complex diseases; 2 - Food and Nutrition Biochemistry; 3 - Molecular Genetics of Microorganisms; Glycobiology; 4 - Bioactive Proteins and Biotechnology; 5 - Mutagenesis and DNA repair; 6 - Prospecting and Characterization of Vegetable Genes with Biotechnology Application; 7 - Nanoparticles: Production, Characterization and Functional Evaluation

Next is the description of the new lines of research of the PPGBIOQ 

1 - Bioinformatics: This line encompasses the development of technologies for collection, evaluation and studies that involve computational data related to the different types of omics such as genomics, proteomics, glycomics. This line also covers in silico studies on the various structural aspects of biomolecules and systems biology.

2 - Biotechnology: This line comprises studies and development of technologies and products based on knowledge of several areas such as genetics, molecular biology, pharmacology, biomaterials and microbiology, with the objective of applying it in some productive and/or industrial sector.

3 - Biochemistry of biomolecules: This line of research encompasses studies related to the obtaining and functional and structural characterization of macromolecules such as proteins, polysaccharides and lipids, as well as of smaller molecules such as peptides, vitamins, intermediary metabolites, new proteins, peptides or carbohydrates, and the verification of their potential for applications in agriculture, in the biomedical area and also in the field of nutrition. This line also covers the evaluation of the potential of these molecules for applications in various areas of the productive/industrial sectors.

4 - Biochemistry of microorganisms and complex diseases: This line aims to study infectious diseases of interest for the public health such as leishmaniasis, dengue, zika, chikungunya, toxoplasmosis and malaria, as well as the study of different types of parasites (fungi, viruses and bacteria). The line also includes the study of metabolic diseases and the study of different types of neoplasia.

5 - Education in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: This line of research aims to develop new methods, methodologies and didactic materials dedicated to the teaching of biochemistry.

6 - Genetics and Molecular Biology: This line focuses on the identification and characterization of genes and polymorphisms involved in different processes and metabolic pathways, as well as the development of molecular tools to aid in the diagnosis of genetic and infectious diseases and the study of populations. 

The calls for proposals for admission to the masters and doctoral programs can be accessed in the "Selection Processes" tab, available on this website. There are usually two annual selections for the Master’s degree and four for the Doctoral degree. PPGBIOQ also has scholarships for the master's and the doctoral degree.

Phone: (84) 3215-3415; Extension: 221
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
Centro de Biociências
Departamento de Bioquímica
Programa de Pós-graduação em Bioquímica
Av. Sen. Salgado Filho, 3000 - Lagoa Nova - Natal/RN - CEP 59078-900


Alternative Address

Program Coordination

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