Water resources. Use and occupation. Environmental impacts. Pitimbu River.
The development of cities, historically, happened in the vicinity of waterways. However, urban rivers undergo modifications due to irregular use and occupation, compromising and aggravating their natural characteristics. The water used from surface rivers of river basins located in urban areas intended for human supply requires quality parameters that guarantee control and protection. Thus, intervention in watercourses is considered a challenge for the management of water resources. In the context, because it is a periurban river and one of the main sources of supply of the city, the Pitimbu plays an important role as the availability of fresh water. A specific analysis on urbanization and degradation is required for the challenge of anthropic interventions and the state of conservation of the basin. In view of the above, this research aims to analyze the influence of urban occupation on the stretch of the Pitimbu River, aiming to evaluate the loss of load at points in the river section, identifying the interferences of the urban occupation process, in order to subsidize the management bodies with information capable of promoting the management of water resources.