Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 22/07/2022
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: videoconferência



Gamification. Continuing teacher training. Design.

BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Desenho Industrial
SUBÁREA: Programação Visual

21st century education has been the focus of numerous debates, discussions,
propositions and research in Brazil, and most of them involve the context of Digital
Information and Communication Technologies (DICT). However, it seems that such
discussions, debates and research have been limited to the academy, newspapers,
magazines and books dealing with educational issues. In practice, little has changed in
the reality of Brazilian basic education schools. However, several methodologies have
been highlighted from these debates in order to collaborate for the change of level of
basic education in Brazil. One of them, gamification, has gained prominence in recent
years as a result of the understanding that motivation and engagement can be key parts
for the school to become a more attractive place for students who are increasingly

dynamic, restless and curious, a reality in which purely traditional teaching no longer
fits so well. In the wake of this methodology, there is the possibility of inserting DICT
in the context of pedagogical activities, since when talking about gamification,
naturally, one can bring up the universe of games, especially digital ones. In this sense,
this universe has a lot to offer to basic education, because, at the same time that it is
inserted in the digital context of the contemporary world, it brings several elements
(dynamics, mechanics and aesthetics) that can contribute to the improvement of the
teaching and learning process. within the school space. However, for this methodology
to be inserted in the pedagogical practice of basic education teachers, it is necessary that
they are prepared to apply it efficiently and effectively. For this, it is understood that it
is necessary to have appropriate initial and continuing training to prepare professionals
to work with these methodologies in a conscious and effective way. Recent research in
the context of gamification and DICT points out that this does not happen widely.
However, in order to plan efficient strategies, it is necessary to have theoretical and
methodological resources, and this goes through appropriate training, whether initial or
continuing. However, initial teacher education in Brazil has very slowly incorporated,
and sometimes neglected, the use of DICT and active methodologies, including
gamification, as pedagogical tools. Continuing education, in turn, tends to fill these
gaps, as it represents an opportunity for teachers to delve into themes and areas that
were little or not explored in their initial training. For these reasons, it is essential to
understand how the continuing education of teachers for the use of active
methodologies, especially gamification, can contribute to the integration of DICT into
the pedagogical practice of educators, with a view to promoting educational innovation
and improving quality of teaching and learning for basic education students, especially
in the context of the public school system. Based on this assumption, this research has
the general objective: to understand how continuing education in gamification for high
school teachers in the public network of the State of Paraíba can promote innovative,
efficient and effective pedagogical practices in the context of the use of DICT in the
classroom. In this sense, we seek to i) verify with the high school teachers from the state
network who work in the 9th Regional Education Management (GRE) the degree of
interaction with digital technologies, pedagogical innovation and gamification; ii)
develop a proposal for continuing education in gamification for high school teachers
from the public network of the state of Paraíba who work in the 9th GRE; iii) promote
continuing education in gamification with a focus on enhancing innovative, efficient
and effective pedagogical practices with the use of DICT; iv) assess the teachers'
perception of the methodology, content and approach presented in the training, as well
as the replicability of the strategies presented during the course; and v) to analyze the
effectiveness of the training based on the reports presented by the teachers who applied
some of the strategies discussed in the course in their classes. Regarding its approach,
this research is configured as qualitative, in terms of its nature, as an applied research.
Regarding the objectives, the research has an exploratory character, as it seeks to
investigate a theme that is still little explored, which is the continuing education of high
school teachers in the public network. With regard to procedures, it is characterized as
an action research, as it seeks to investigate and intervene in the reality that presents
itself, together with high school teachers who work in the 9th GRE, in order to promote
practical changes in work methodologies. of the subjects involved. The research stages
consist of: i) literature review, in which the theoretical survey necessary for the course
design will be carried out; ii) the application of a questionnaire, whose purpose is to
make a diagnosis of the locus and better understand the particularities of the public
involved; iii) the development of the course, based on the frameworks proposed by

Toda (2021) and Martins and Giraffa (2015; 2015b); iv) after the application of the
course, there will be an evaluation of the proposals through a specific questionnaire for
each group. Each of these proposals will have a different audience, so there will be the
possibility of individually analyzing each class; v) and, finally, interviews with focus
groups formed from the public served by the formations, with a focus group from the
synchronous group and another from the asynchronous group. The technical product
from the research will be the proposal for continuing education, whose application and
analysis of the results will allow us to understand how gamification can contribute to
the development of innovative teaching methodologies that are efficient and effective in
the context of the classroom. With a better understanding of this relationship, it is even
possible to support the creation of state policies, especially within the public network of
Paraíba, that encourage investments by the public authorities in the sense of elaborating
training strategies for teachers. Thus, as a future perspective, it is expected that this
training can be scalable and replicable in various contexts, in order to further
disseminate the methodologies and practices associated with gamification in education.

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