Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 30/06/2021
TIME: 14:00

Continuing Education in Computational Thinking for Elementary School Teachers: Unplugged Computing in Educational Practices


Computational Thinking. Teacher Training. Unplugged Computing.

PAGES: 100
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Educação
SUBÁREA: Ensino-Aprendizagem
SPECIALTY: Tecnologia Educacional

Following international trends, Brazil has recently approved the Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC) and has included 10 competencies that students must achieve by the last stage of basic education. These skills are related to those required in the international scenario for the training of citizens and professionals in the 21st century. Among these skills, those related to Computational Thinking stand out, such as creative thinking, abstraction, problem solving ability, logical reasoning, learning to learn, which are currently considered as the most in-demand skills in the social and professional context. It is known that in several countries there are open job vacancies due to the absence of professionals with these skills and competences. They are also essential to live well in the midst of an increasingly dynamic society. As a result, the education of students, in the current social, cultural, professional and technological scenario, requires new skills and professional competences from teachers that were not introduced to them during their initial education. Thus, a great challenge emerges in the field of continuing education for teachers. Over the years, there are countless continuing education courses that are offered following a traditional teaching model, which is no longer able to prepare teachers to act in facing the new learning needs of students. There are few trainings that include the use of active methodologies and digital technologies in pedagogical practices, presenting undesirable results as shown by national assessments, which show high rates of non-learning by students and little evidence of new didactic strategies in the pedagogical practices of teachers. In addition to presenting new teaching strategies and methodologies, the teacher training needs to be able to stimulate in teachers the ability to continuously learn and deal with the challenges that professional practice imposes to them. In this sense, Computational Thinking presents itself as a strategy, which emerges from the field of Computer Science, for the development of skills and abilities related to problem solving, resilience and creativity, that are high-demand skills for all people. In order to stimulate Computational Thinking with students, it will be needed to train them to change their mentality about pedagogical possibilities in the face of technological scarcity present in their work environment, as well as knowledge about what it is and how to apply Computational Thinking in your teaching practices. In this sense, it seeks to know how to train Basic Education teachers to develop teaching skills related to Computational Thinking. In this context, this research aims to propose a model of continuing education in Computational Thinking for elementary school teachers, in a way that encourages and motivates teachers to develop skills related to the topic and encourages them to take this knowledge to their students through unplugged computing practices in schools. A first contribution in this direction was made from the conception and realization of an extension course at UFRN, in the context of the North-Rio-Grandense Program on Computational Thinking, which served as a pre-test to analyze several resources, validate materials and collect indicators for the training model in question. The results of this course, extracted from a case study, demonstrate that this training proposal is able to stimulate the development of pedagogical and technological knowledge on Computational Thinking, which includes the curation of materials related to the topic and the application of educational practices in state schools using unplugged and plugged computing. In addition, some teachers who participated in the training were later approved to join as regular students in the professional master's course of this postgraduate program, indicating a positive impact of this training on the professional development of these teachers. From the results obtained in the first version of the training proposal, improvements were made to the initial proposal and the application of a second version of the model in online format, with the objective of stimulating the pedagogical practices of teaching and learning using unplugged computing. In this sense, actions related to tabulation, analysis and impacts of the results obtained from the training are also planned.

Interna - 333491 - BETANIA LEITE RAMALHO
Interna - 2315340 - CIBELLE AMORIM MARTINS
Notícia cadastrada em: 21/06/2021 18:50
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