"Desenhoje": exploring Design Thinking as an active methodology for teaching freehand drawing in Architecture and Design Courses
Freehand drawing; Design Thinking; active methodology.
The developed research aims to investigate the contributions of the adoption of Design Thinking as a teaching-learning methodological approach for freehand drawing disciplines in architecture and design education. The study seeks to understand how this practice is present in the teaching-learning process and in the professional day-to-day, identifying its importance beyond the design process. The focus is to bring issues related to freehand drawing in training, considering the contributions of contemporary methodological approaches to the learning process. The research also reflects on the need to adapt to new teaching modalities and the proper use of technological resources, seeking to combine tradition and innovation in the resurgence of freehand drawing. In this sense, the bibliographic review indicates that one of the recurrent active methodologies used in higher education is Design Thinking (DT) as a teaching-learning strategy. Therefore, this research has as object of study the relationship between the use of active methodologies and the teaching-learning of freehand drawing. Using a qualitative and exploratory approach, action-research and Design Thinking methods are used to investigate the contributions of the adoption of Design Thinking as a teaching-learning approach for freehand drawing curricular components in Architecture and Design courses. This research project exposes an overview of the bibliographic review and the methodological path developed so far, during the first stage of the research, having as a starting point the justification for choosing a qualitative research methodology that best suits the challenges encountered in the construction theoretical problem about the current teaching of freehand drawing.