From urban voids to instruments: application of PEUC and Progressive Urban Property Tax in Time at Natal City's urban voids"
Urban Voids; PEUC; Progressive Urban Property Tax in time; Natal Master Plan; social function of property
Evidenced by unbuilt, underutilized or unused real states, the speculative soil retention produces urban voids and aggravates the context of Brazilian socio-spatial inequality. In Natal, the current Master Plan is based on the concept of socio-environmental function - which aims to establish limitations to private property so that the rights arising from it are subject to collective and diffuse interests - and has the management instruments for its realization. However, despite nearly three decades of participatory construction of municipal urban legislation, few of these instruments are being applied and most are not regulated, which has been an obstacle for these urban voids to come to fulfill a social function. Thus, highlighting two of these instruments, there is the following research question "In what way can the application of urban instruments to induce urban development PEUC and Progressive Urban Property Tax in time make urban voids fulfill the social function of property?” and as an object of study “The relationship between the urban voids of Natal and the application of PEUC and Progressive Urban Property Tax in time”. Therefore, this research has as general objective " Understanding the role of urban voids in Natal from the application of the PEUC and Progressive Urban Property Tax instruments, in order to fulfill the social function of property". The universe of study comprises the neighborhoods of Ribeira and Rocas, located in the central area of Natal, and the neighborhood of Capim Macio, where there is a marked process of transformation of its territory due to the remarkable performance of the real estate market associated with the increase in building density. During the investigation, 390 urban voids were identified, corresponding to 317,355.54m² of unbuilt, underused or unused lots, which were classified into 10 types and for which propositions are made in the normative framework for the application of said instruments in a way to make these properties begin to fulfill the social function of the property.