Architectural Design Teaching; Design Studio; Virtual Design Studio; Remote Design Studio; Hybrid Design Studio.
This project presents an research about the different types of architectural design studio that exist nowadays: face-to-face, virtual, remote and hybrid, and about their impact on teaching/learning. The studio, a privileged physical space where the teaching/learning of Architecture and Urbanism Courses has been changing over time, both physically and pedagogically including practices and methodological strategies. More recently, with the spread of the internet and social networks, new types of studios have emerged, virtual, remote and hybrid, in addition to those in the distance learning courses modality. This is the problem this research addresses, to analyze the different modalities of Teaching in Architecture Design Project existing in Architecture and Urbanism Courses, in Northeastern Brazil, in the context of pandemic and post-pandemic periods: face-to-face (traditional), virtual (collaborative), remote and hybrid studio. The focus of the study is to observe how didactic-pedagogical practices are developed in theses different teaching environments and assess which one would be the most appropriate for Architecture and Urbanism learning in the contemporary context, according to professional regulations. The specific goals of this research are: to identify the didactic-pedagogical theories and practices developed and the ICT's used by teachers in the various studios; to understand how the interactions between professors and students and between them occur; to understand teachers and students' perceptions concerning teaching/learning practices involved in different studios; to analyze the potentials and limits of teaching architecture in each of these studios. The theoretical foundation is anchored in the formulations of Mizukami (1986) on pedagogical approaches, in Schön (2000) on learning by doing, in active methodologies (FILATRO; CAVALCANTI, 2018; and SILVA; KURI, 2017), in project teaching ( MAHFUZ, 2003; LARA; MARQUES, 2015; CARSALADE, 2018) and in the categorization and characterization of project studios: in person (SCHÖN, 2000; AFONSO, 2013; LARA; MARQUES, 2015), virtual (ARAÚJO, 2007; GIMARÃES FILHO, 2010), remote (IRANMANESH AND ONUR, 2021) and hybrid (RODRIGUEZ; HUDSON; NIBLOCK, 2018). In the methodological field, it is a predominantly qualitative research that uses multiple case studies as a method. The research context will take place in public universities, located in the Northeast of Brazil, with the teachers and students of Architecture courses in different types studios. It uses as data production method documents selection and analysis, observation, questionnaire fillings (students) and interviews (professors). Data will be analyzed and interpreted using the thematic analysis proposed by Bardin (1996).