Congestion and hyperactive places: urban grids, built form and land uses in New York
Congestion, density, urban morphology, urban hyperactivity.
The concept of congestion formulated by Rem Koolhaas, investigated by means of urban elements related to them, such as density, urban grid, built form and land and building uses suggests a state of urban hyperactivity of the urban centers about what we formulate the following questions. According to the congestion of the urban centers of advanced capitalism, which are the morphological and functional characteristics that contribute to urban hyperactivity? Or still, how in congestion atmosphere or in high density places, the morphological attributes (urban grid and bilt form) and functionals (uses and nodes of activities) of the urban centers of advanced capitalism come out as hyperactive environments? The search of relation between urban fabric and hyperactive urban places starts from the assumption that the congestion atmosphere is one of the situations to create hyperactive urban places. In the attempt of proving this assumption, we will concentrate our empirical research at Special Midtown District-MID and in the Business Improvement District -BID in New York and we will carry out an explorative research in urban operational zones and/or central changing urban places of the city of São Paulo.