Incorporation of activities to stimulate creativity in the design process: an investigation with students from CAU/UFRN
architecture design process; creativity; creative demand; methodological tools to stimulate creativity
Creativity is present in everyday life and in the history of human beings, therefore, it has been
explored in the investigations of researchers from different areas of knowledge. Especially in
architecture, professionals are expected to have a creative ability. There was a lack of studies
aimed at creative stimulation with undergraduate groups, therefore, this research aims to
understand the multidimensionality of creativity during the design process for the creative
demands of undergraduate architecture students. With the evolution in various areas of society,
the professional needed to adapt to the changes, started to develop a more investigative profile
regarding social, economic and technological issues. The design process has increasingly
demanded creative actions. This research analyzes the following object of study: activities that
stimulate the creativity of undergraduate students of the architecture and urbanism course in
face of the demands of the architectural design process. From the application of stimulus
activities within an online classroom context, the general objective is to analyze the responses
of architecture students to the creative demands arising from activities to stimulate creativity.
The results obtained are crossed with each other in order to allow the creation of an
investigative map of the creative demands in question. It is worth remembering that this
research had a singularity, given the current perspective of a global pandemic caused by COVID-
19, it was carried out totally remote due to the demands of social isolation. The contact with the
participants and records were all online.