CONNECTING VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE TO THE PRESENT TIME: the incorporation of traditional building cultures and intelligences.
Constructive culture, constructive intelligence, vernacular architecture.
This dissertation research, still under development, has as main objective to investigate how the traditions in the act of building, present in vernacular architecture, are appropriate to the design aspects in architectural works of the contemporary period, which combine formal construction technologies with vernacular technologies, generating certain hybridism between the traditional and the modern. This mixture of opposing construction elements can sometimes occur in a harmonious way, which constitutes a contradiction in front of theories about the tendency for vernacular architecture to disappear when in contact with contemporary technologies. These hybrid architectures can also express techniques and methods that bring a regionalist sense when incorporating traditional construction aspects. However, such works are only vestiges of what would be a conventional conception of vernacular architecture, even following a constructive logic from distant origins. In this context, the investigation of the process of adapting knowledge or vernacular knowledge to the present occurs in a schematic, analytical and descriptive way. After all, what traces of these ancient traditions can we find during this process? For this, two correlated thematic axes are proposed: Constructive Cultures and Constructive Intelligence, referring to the constructive habits of indigenous groups or communities and their vernacular knowledge passed from generation to generation. Then, we make a bibliographic study of the authors who deal with this theme and a survey of architects from different continents who work (or have worked) in the 20th and 21st centuries, whose design choices demonstrate the preservation or adaptation of these constructive intelligences of vernacular origin. Finally, this research aims to contribute academically and socially to future research on the subject, revealing and emphasizing the importance of understanding processes of adapting constructive traditions to contemporary times, their social, cultural and symbolic architectural aspects.