Design process, analysis and problematizarion: A study on architectural programming
Design process; problematization; architectural programming; professional master’s degrees.
The elaboration of a project, as well as the construction of a building are complex tasks and demand from the architect a determined control over all the activities that involve its process. Therefore, understanding the architectural program as a guiding element of design decisions, as well as the results of various investigations about users' needs, available budget and desires and intentions, allows the designer to expand his perceptions and the possibilities of solutions in meeting project issues. The program and the delimitation of the problems are realized in the architectural programming stage, whose understanding here is based on Peña and Parshall (2012), Hershberger (1999) and Cherry (1999). This context converged to the following research question: “In what ways are the problems in the design processes adopted by architects in the conclusion of course work of Brazilian professional master's degrees under the focus of programming, and what are their implications for the functional solutions of projects architectural features analyzed?”. It starts from the hypothesis that, due to the academic formation in force in the country, the formulation of the problems focuses on aspects of only functional nature and does not explore factors of other natures, such as cultural, economic, tectonic, etc., which are naturally expressed in architectural programming and design analysis methods. In this sense, the general objective of the research is to analyze how architectural programming is developed in the conclusion work of Brazilian professional master's degrees in Architecture, with an emphasis on the formulation of problems and the functional aspects of the building. In order for this objective to be met, the procedures used include a qualitative analysis associated with verbal language - how the author of each work positions himself in relation to architectural programming and problematization (analysis) - with the graphic language (synthesis) - what the projects architectures say about the programming process and what answers it gives to the problems identified in the analytical stage. It is expected to create a programming analysis procedure, supported by recognized methods that can assist the designer in the elaboration of this step, resulting in more efficient architectural projects, in the optimization of time and in less possibilities of rework.