Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 26/08/2020
TIME: 16:00
LOCAL: PpGAU-UFRN- modo remoto

Resistance movements in the city of Natal-RN: Strategies of daily (re) appropriation through temporary interventions.


Resistance; Appropriation; Temporary interventions; Right to the city; city of Natal.

PAGES: 332
BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Arquitetura e Urbanismo
SUBÁREA: Projeto de Arquitetura e Urbanismo
SPECIALTY: Planejamento e Projeto do Espaço Urbano

The growing technological advance, the process of globalization, the various communication networks, the fluidity and liquidity of the new relations, when combined with a constant growth of neoliberal policies, translate into cities the yearnings of capital and big investments, generating new conditions of using their spaces and distancing people from the public spaces. The public life are enclosed in private spaces and gives rise to the appearance of temporary movements in the city that seek to infer and generate new forms of use and appropriation of the public space. It is through these actions that they often make use of underutilized areas, that they reconquer the democratic and social rights in the urban and thus, they appear as a reluctance to this model of city where through these practices it is possible to print a true sense and identity to places. Such interventions are considered ephemeral because they do not always leave traces in space; are usually moved by groups and occur through spontaneous actions, the use of squares, flower beds, sidewalks and even in free or built private spaces (abandoned buildings), transforming them over a period of time and performing cultural, artistic and political activities, which arouse people's interest and move their environments. Thus, the main objective of the research was to understand these strategies in public spaces - temporary interventions - and their relationship with the democratization of access to the city, based on (1) a theoretical reflection based on the socio-spatial context of contemporary cities and its relation with the emergence of these temporary interventions in the public space; (2) classification of spaces that are the object of appropriation activities through temporary interventions in the city of Natal; of one (3) relation made from the types of temporary interventions with the spatial configurations of the spaces occupied by them; and finally, (4) a discussion elaborated through the actions of the social agents involved in temporary interventions. Several authors performed a theoretical reflection that carried out contextualizing the theme of modernity in contemporary cities as well as what would be treated here as resistance; as were carried out the characterization of the current practices of appropriation through temporary interventions and their interference in the city. With this, the applied methodology made use of an initial mapping and cataloging of these interventions, in an initial recognition; and after was realized an analysis through more in-depth case studies which were based on semi-structured interviews and social cartography carried out together with the actors involved. This dissertation was intended to reflect the importance of these temporary actions in the current context of contemporary cities, in the creation of new places, in the awakening of new forms of appropriation and use of public space. The temporary interventions mapped and analyzed in the city of Natal are therefore seen here as actions of resistance and struggle and have a fundamental place in the process of democratization of the right to access to the city.

Presidente - 350489 - RUTH MARIA DA COSTA ATAIDE
Externa ao Programa - 2318817 - AMIRIA BEZERRA BRASIL
Externa à Instituição - NATACHA SILVA ARAÚJO RENA - UFMG
Notícia cadastrada em: 10/08/2020 10:04
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