Design Process; Environmental performance goals; Collaborative Design Process; Systemic Approach
This thesis is dedicated to the design process of buildings that aim to meet environmental performance goals, permeating the fields of architecture design and building technology with an emphasis on environmental performance. The mandatory compliance with these goals has become popular in countries that adopted environmental impact reduction strategies, influencing design processes in various ways, especially requiring interaction between architects and consultants. However, there are some mismatches in the relationship between these professionals. The consultant needs to give information to the designer during the initial phases of the project, when the impact on performance is higher, although that professional can only evaluate the project with detailed data, usually obtained at the end of the design process. However, it is not clear how the flows of this information fit to the process and how designers make decisions, in face of requirements that are imposed to them. Therefore, the research question is “In attending energy efficiency goals during design process which aim low environmental impact, what kind of conduction of the design process would facilitate the relationship between designers and consultants, without disregarding the other variables that affect design decisions?” The hypothesis is conducting the design process that aims environmental performance goals would be facilitated if, from its initial stages: (I) there was an intense collaboration between designers and consultants and (II) decision-making was based on the adoption of a systemic view of the entire process. The objective of this thesis is to identify and analyze how the joint work of the designer and the consultant can facilitate architectural design processes that aim to meeting environmental performance goals, as defined in the scope of this study. The methodological procedures make use of four approaches, the first focuses on the characterization of the forms of interaction and the dialogue between the consultant and the designer in the design processes aimed at meeting environmental performance goals in Brazil, from the consultant's point of view. The second is related to the first case study, whose consultancy started in the schematic design phase and it is close to a controlled case, with intensive use of building performance simulation tools. The third is a case study on a neighborhood scale that has already been completed, with the consultancy starting in the programming phase and it is about designed into the wild. And the fourth is dedicated to a case study of an intermediate scale, again already completed, where the consultancy started only in the preliminary design phase, and is also related to the design into the wild. For the first approach, two questionnaires were analyzed and, for the last three, content analyses was used to support a descriptive/exploratory analysis and other based on theoretical propositions. Thus, it was possible to characterize the project, identify the decision making with an impact on meeting EE goals, the main problems and potentialities, as well as the relevance of the tested proposals, namely: the consideration of EE issues from the first phases of the design process, the existence of collaboration between team members during the design process and the existence of characteristics related to the system, interaction and organization of the systemic view. The collection of information about the processes occurred mainly through the analysis of documents and interviews with architects, team consultants and entrepreneurs. The results show that the consultants who answered the questionnaires indicate that most of the projects are developed in multidisciplinary teams, with more occurrences of traditional processes or with division of tasks. However, they also identify the integration of projects and the beginning of consultancies in the first phases of the project as factors that enhance interaction. It was also possible to perceive that the formats of the processes in the first two case studies promoted interaction, with the charrete, applied in the second study, a facilitator of the development of collaboration and the systemic vision, which helped in meeting the performance goals since the first phases of the design process. The main contribution of this thesis was to identify and demonstrate that collaboration can facilitate the design process to meet environmental goals, depending on the complexity of the problem and the proficiency of the designer on the goals to be met.