Teaching, heritage conservation, architecture and urbanism, grid of knowledges
This thesis aims to establish a grid of essential knowledges to prepare Architecture and Urbanism students in Brazil for project practice in areas and buildings with heritage, historical and cultural interest. We believe it is necessary to constantly discuss the profiles and patterns that make sure the professional – architect and urbanist – is qualified to face the current social, cultural e and economic challenges. Among these challenges, this thesis highlights the preservation of preexistent heritage value. In relation to Brazil, it is important to emphasize that some of the recent reflections about this specific kind of architectural project point out to a professional behavior that is frequently arbitrary and devoid of methodological rigour. This debate is, to a large extent, related to the lack of qualification of professionals that work in this area (especially architects and urbanists). Thus, it is also connected to the formation of these professionals. For these reasons, this research´s study object corresponds to an analysis of the teaching of heritage preservation (within the scope of Architecture and Urbanism graduation courses), and to the creation of a theoretical-methodological framework to the formation of the future professionals (within the scope of graduation) that will eventually develop projects of architectural intervention on buildings and areas with heritage value. The starting point is the premise that Architecture and Urbanism´s teaching will only enable a professional formation that reveals abilities and competencies for the preservation of built heritage if there´s a clear relationship between theory and projectual practice. Thus, to achieve our goals, two research strategies have been defined: 1) Bibliographical research on themes related to preservation and architectural intervention on buildings and areas of recognized heritage value, highlighting some of the main theoretical-operative models, which are the result of years of reflection 2) Empirical research (case studies) to critically investigate and analyse the process of teaching-learning of heritage preservation in the courses of Architecture and Urbanism of Brazil´s Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) and Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), and in Italy´s Università degli Studi “Gabriele d’Annunzio” di Chieti-Pescara (Ud´A). The hypothesis is that the study of these institutions – in which theoretical contents are studied, as well as those related to project practice for heritage preservation – will allow, together with the theoretical-methodological framework, the creation of the grid of essential knowledges to prepare Architecture and Urbanism students for professional practice in this specific field. The research´s first results indicate that, despite the relevance of contents currently studied at these universities, some theoretical-methodological adaptations are required to provide a more adequate formative path considering the theme´s inherent complexity. Thus, we hope that this research may contribute to the deepening of the studies about projects of intervention on buildings of recognized heritage value, and specially to the reflection about a cohesive academic formation, able to prepare the future professionals to work in this area.