Recosturas e Costuras: urban design and its specificities
Urban design, design process, project protocol
This thesis works with Urban Design (UD) process by architecture and urbanism graduation students from two public faculties from Brazil northeast. The approaching occurs with three Investigation Axes, namely: Axis 1-Relation between project and designer; Axis 2-Comprehension and praxis of UD; Axis 3-Specificities of UD; this axis generated the questions and hypotheses of this research. The main goal is to analyze the UD process, in the practice of architecture and urbanism graduation students from two public faculties from Brazil northeast in project workshops events, aiming to identify: which are the specificities of UD practice, under aspects of project thinking, methods, strategy, work phases, project problem definition and approach, actions, goals, used tools, and idea communication; and secondarily, how these designers understand and take position to UD and their own design process. To reach the objectives, a strategy was adopted to obtain design process examples in the studied context, the organization and offer of workshops. This decision under the studied context is justified by the possibility of obtaining samplers under controlled conditions, guarantee quantity and quality of analyses material, and enable academic contribution for students. The adopted method for design process protocols dealed in this thesis, is based on direct remarks of designers in action, in the registration of what is happening during the observation, in regular time intervals, and classification of this occurrences in analytical categories and sub-categories which specifies design process. This method is based on Rational Problem Solution from Simon (2019), as worked by Dorst & Dijkhuis (2005). On actual thesis development stage, a Pilot experience has been already applied in UFRN and a workshop event in UFPB. The review of data, even in initial stage, allows affirming that distinctions between the praxis of UD and architectural design (AD) exist. These peculiarities could be seen in the Actions taken on design process; on the more intense actuation of sub-categories and lass absence of UD items cooperated to AD; on the design start, although both process been similar, the development is very distinct, been the UD of strategic and discursive nature, while the AD became more wont to draw and model; be it for Objectives, more reflexive in UD, while more practical and purposeful on AD; by the project protagonists, been the project on UD and the user on AD; by the more variable activation of Topics and Auxiliary Topics on UD in relation of AD; or, by the quantity and variety of design tools and strategies, more evidenciated in UD than AD.