Urban infrastructure as a landscape project: methodological procedures for structuring a network of connections in the open space system
Open Space System, Landscape urban structure, Green Infrastructure, Landscape as Infrastructure, Green Corridors
This thesis project is focused on connectivity in open spaces system, based on the convergence between landscape planning and urban infrastructure. This question arises from questions about traditional approaches to the design of urban space, from the duality between city and nature, which have produced serious environmental and social problems and led to the physical and functional fragmentation of the landscape of cities. Search a reflection on the possibility of association between the public open spaces system and urban infrastructure networks, highlighting the role of SEL in the landscape structure and the establishment of web connections as an urban planning tool, based on the principle integration ecological, infrastructural and environmental functions. This research supports herself with some key concepts, based on the principles of landscape ecology, defined in spot trilogy patch-corridor- matrix, which show the importance of open spaces as part of an interconnected system, in contrast to the view point of the free spaces, connectivity to the challenge of continuity and multi-functionality, which requires the plurality of attributes, linked to infrastructure planning strategy as part of the landscape. It takes as universe of study the city of Natal, focusing on the Environmental Protection Zones (ZPA) and other categories of open spaces with potential and connectivity, in order to describe ways that can set the network connections in the SEL as a possible instrument spatial planning, articulated the municipal director plan. Assuming that the connection between the natural open spaces in urban areas has as a structural element linear open spaces, it is accepted as a hypothesis that the urban Natal structure, ZPAs have the potential connectivity through restructuring open spaces system and the establishment of a network of connections, which mosaic of urban landscape can become a guiding element of the planning system. It is defined as an object of study linear and adjacent open spaces that stand between the ZPA in relation to its potential for connectivity and multi-functionality. The ZPAs have the potential connectivity through restructuring open spaces system and the establishment of a network of connections, which mosaic of urban landscape, can become a guiding element of the planning system. It is defined as an object of study linear and adjacent open spaces that stand between the ZPA in relation to its potential for connectivity and multi-functionality. The ZPAs have the potential connectivity through restructuring open spaces system and the establishment of a network of connections, which mosaic of urban landscape can become a guiding element of the planning system. It is defined as an object of study linear and adjacent open spaces that stand between the ZPA in relation to its potential for connectivity and multi-functionality. In addition to the safeguarding of some portions of the territory, it is assumed that the establishment of a more balanced array of landscape, structured by a plot of green fragments, runners and we landscaped, based on a systemic vision, articulate issues of environmental, functional and socio-cultural, it is a way to integrate and activate the various clear categories, making -as in emerging landscapes, functional, ownership and connection between people and places.