Urban transformations and representations in the construction of image of the modern city in Fortaleza from 1932 to 1963
Fortaleza. Modernization. Representations. Urban Documents. Urbanism.
The work focuses on the city of Fortaleza between 1932 and 1963, through the urban legislation that oriented the image and modernization of the city, rebuilding, over time, the legal urban document, and the ideas and practices developed about the urban questions in the field of municipal administrations of the city. The core objective is the series of urban regulations (written documents and graphics) that are produced as instruments of ordination of the urban space, influenced by a concept of modernization within what was known as the Modern Movement, identifying how these instruments are idealized and related to the local technical and political means that remain until now. The goal was to show the importance of expansion plans and of urban legislation comprehended between 1932 and 1963, the led to the image and identity of the modernization of the capital of Ceará in current days, even if it is possible to state that the plans of expansion were not put into practice. The work was divided in three parts defined as such: conceptions that approach the historic context of the epoch; the analysis of urban elements that determined the physical structure of the city such as the layout, the street, the blocks, the lots and the architecture; and the execution that deals with materialization of the documents produced by the public authorities and the conducted the city image. In the conceptions were used as conceptual theoretical referential authors such as (2001), Berman (1986), Benévolo (1977), Mumford (2007), Aymonino (1972), Herschamann and Pereira (1994), Leme (1999), Souza (2008), Pinheiro (2011), Freitas (2010), Somekh (1997), Rolnik (1999), Girão (1979) e (1986); Farias (1997); Jucá (2003); Castro (1973); Andrade (2012); Accioly (2008); Costa (2005); Carvalho (2003). For the analysis of the urban fabric were utilized as methodological theoretical Lamas (1992), Capel (2004), Panerai (2006), Souza and Müller (1997), Sabaté (1999), and Bueno (2016). The execution phase will be done by a comparison based in the definitions of Woortmann (2005). By this study it is intended to verify the importance of the lot in the formation the architecture of the capital of Ceará and its influence in the image of the city modernization. Believing that the lot was one of those responsible for the diminishment of the tensions between the colonial city heritage and the morphology of the modern city.