The space of the value. The value of space! 2014 World Cup, space configuration and real state valuation in Natal and São Gonçalo do Amarante (RN/Brazil)
World Cup 2014, spatial configuration, real estate valuation
Great Urban Projects (GUPs) require the transformation of city space, a capitalist strategy to guarantee the circulation fronts and accumulation of capital - through creative destruction - especially in cities hosting mega-events (HARVEY, 1996 AND 2005 AND LEFEBVRE 2001).The sport megaevents works have benefited the real estate sector (CUENYA, NOVAIS, VAINER 2013, NOBRE, 2017) that aims to profit from business opportunities - expressed in real estate or land subdivisions - stimulated by the spatial changes and the implantation of impact structures, in consolidated centralities or expansion areas. As a system of objects and actions (SANTOS, 1996), space becomes the stage and product of economic interests that reconfigure cities, assuming properties that become the object of monetization (CARLOS, 2018). As part of this system, mega-events projects are capable of influencing valorization because they monetize the space guaranteed or reached by accessibility potential (VILLAÇA, 2001, HILLIER, 1996, HILLIER and HANSON 1984, HILLIER 1996 and PENN 2001) wich, acting as a mechanism of contacts, represents added land value (LEFEBVRE, 1991). In the urban area and the Metropolitan Region of Natal / Brazil, the implementation of impact works, at the 2014 World Cup, seems to confirm the gradual real estate valuation since at least 2007 (SILVA, 2014) in areas of intense centrality and potential of expansion, with high and increasing accessibilities, respectively (MEDEIROS and TRIGUEIRO, 2007; CARMO JÚNIOR, 2014; DANTAS, VIEIRA-DE-ARAÚJO and NASCIMENTO, 2014; SANTOS JÚNIOR et al, 2015 and NOBRE, 2017). This thesis aims to understand the influence of the spatial configuration and accessibility of real estate valuation in areas affected by the works of the 2014 World Cup in the urban area and RMNatal. It presents the premise that works of GUPs of mega-events, as magnets, respond to the real estate valuation, acting in the recomposition of values, when in areas of configuration and accessibility consolidated. On the other hand, they impact on the spatial configuration, when in expansion areas, from the formation of new installments to receive real estate products that are gradually appreciated. Considering the projective landmarks of the Arena das Dunas and the Aluízio Alves International Airport, the spatial cut-offs of the Lagoa Nova (Natal / RN) neighborhood and the São Gonçalo do Amarante / RN municipal expansion were adopted. Considering projective landmarks Arena das Dunas and Aluízio Alves International Airport, were adopted spatial cutouts of the Lagoa Nova neighborhood (Natal / RN) and the municipal expansion of São Gonçalo do Amarante / RN. The analysis is based on desk research of notarial deeds of sale of real estate, categorized between apartments, houses and land (Lagoa Nova) and lots (São Gonçalo do Amarante) observing the useful assessment values for pickup ITBI (Tax Transmission of Real Estate) between the years of 2012 and 2016. The analysis is based on the documentary research of property purchase and sale documents, categorized between apartments, houses and land (Lagoa Nova) and lots (São Gonçalo do Amarante), observing the valuation values useful for the collection of (ITBI sobre Imposto de Transmissão de Bens Imóveis) between the years of 2012 and 2016. Considering the space as an independent and dependent variable, refers to Social Logic of Space and Space Syntax Analysis (HILLIER and HANSON, 1984), searching relations between topological accessibility generated by the spatial configuration, urban works of great impact (attractors) and real estate valuation, applying quantitative measures of integration and choice in linear and segmental representations (HILLIER, YANG and TURNER, 2012). Integration refers to the centrality of a set of more accessible lines (HILLIER, 1996 and 1993) and choice to how chosen a line fragment is, between an origin and a destination (TURNER, 2001, 2008). Both variables help to interpret if there are situations in which the valuation is better related to the more accessible routes (integration) throughout the system, and / or if they are linked to the most interstitial with high potential of crossing, but not too far from the roads where the impact works are located. Partial results confirm the valuation tendencies, especially among the apartments between one and three dormitories in Lagoa Nova, related to the centrality of any other point of the road ("to" movement) structure (integration), as well as ("Between" movement) of the main access routes (choice) through the road network, very close to Arena, a strong magneto to spatial valorization.