Real Estate Incorporation: study about private residential real estate production of Metropolitan Region Natal (Rio Grande do Norte/ Brazil)
residential real estate business dynamics, real estate enterprise, estate agents, Functional Metropole
In the last 15 years, the actions of real estate agents - builders, investors, users and public authorities – in Metropolitan Region of Natal (RMN)/ Brazil potentiate and repercussions on the occupation of the urban tissue for new residential real estate enterprises. For this reason, remote sites from the intense real estate dynamics – as the municipalities of Parnamirim, São Gonçalo do Amarante, Macaíba and Extremoz – reveal transformations of the rural (or semi rural) land in urban from the spreading from the spreading of the supply of new plots, houses and apartments; consolidating standards of expansion of the periphery and of the increase in the stock of residential real estate in occupations with no qualification of urban equipment, urban infrastructure networks and services compatible with user demand. In regions with intense verticalization process by the center city of Natal and their localities bordering the municipalities referred to above – in parts of overflow between them – intensifying the population density and overloading the infrastructure/ urban services system. This design found of RMN configuration generates a debate on, how do the recent actions of real estate agents lead and concretize the locational decisions of the incorporators involved in the arrangement of the mass production process of domiciles from Functional Metropolis of Natal – composed of the municipalities of Natal, Parnamirim, São Gonçalo do Amarante, Extremoz e Macaíba – between the years 2011 and 2016? In attempting to answer such questioning, the work has, therefore, as a general objective to understand the current participation of the real estate business dynamics in the socio-spatial configuration of Metropolitan Area of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte. To achieve this purpose, part of the analysis of empirical data collected in Incorporation Register – registered between years from 2011 to 2016, of the cities mentioned – , such as those related to the characterization of the enterprises; of the incorporator; of the legal structure of real estate incorporation; and, of financial agents. Have as a theoretical-methodological contribution of David Harvey, for understanding the spatial transformations and the production of urban space in relation to the real estate dynamics; Christian Topalov and Samuel Jaramillo González, for reflections of the urban space through conceptions of accumulation, of urbanization and of income and interlocution on real estate capital and the accumulation of value in the globalized economy; Luiz Cesar Ribeiro, for analyzing the capitalist production of housing based on real estate incorporation; Adriano Botelho, Lúcia Shimbo, Mariana Fix, by reflections on the real estate market and financial capital. In general, this research will continue the series of data collection and analyzes previously developed by members of Metropolis Observatory - Observatório das Metrópoles - and Group of Contemporary Urban Processes - Grupo de Estudos sobre Processos Urbanos Contemporâneos (GEPUC/ Darq/UFRN) - that have accumulated information on real estate production of Natal since 1967 - year of registration of the first incorporation in the city – until 2010.