Urban Ruins in the Historic Center of João Pessoa- PB: The norms under judgment.
Normative, urban ruins, historic center.
The object of this thesis is the relationship between the norms inherent in the perimeters of protection of central areas and the permanence and the increase of urban ruins in these areas. The condition of urban ruin is related to the concept of Borde (2007) of "architectural empty” with regard to the location, is situated in the historic central area provided with infrastructure, registered by the organs of heritage. In relation to its emptiness condition, have passed through a emptying process, and be currently without use, without function, but occupying a urban lot. And, with regard to their characteristics, configure idle spaces, in a state of precarious conservation or in aspect of ruin. It results the approach that permeates urban emptiness and ruin. The "normative" here is aligned with the concept of "norm" used by Sant'Anna (2004) and includes Laws, Decrees, Plans and other instruments. It is used here in a chronological approach on the normative of protection in the Historic Center of João Pessoa that permeates the various demarcations of protection since the first Master Plans and Codes of Urbanism, until the state and federal regulations of protection and register of the Historic Center of João Pessoa, since the year of 1971 until the year 2015. objective of this study is to understand how the norms of patrimony and urbanism may have contributed to the permanence and increase of urban ruins in the central area of João Pessoa. This discussion has as background the historical clash between the property rights and the instrument of listing.