Habitation; Urbane Rehabilitation; João Pessoa.
The act of dwelling is related to the consciousness of belonging that the individual develops in relation to the place where he lives; where time is the main factor in this process. Groups that occupy an area for a long time, tend to face it as their own, applying their culture, way of life and construction. When we refer to rehabilitation projects in historical areas, especially those that are degraded, we can visualize a set of uses that can be inserted, maintained and restored in these spaces, and among all the more controversial is the use of housing. This research was focused on the understanding of whether and how the integration between national housing promotion programs and those of urban rehabilitation of historical areas occurs, and if in fact, it is possible to verify in Brazil the existence of an effective urban policy for historical areas considering all the problems involved, or just the execution of punctual actions that, in addition to not promoting the recovery of old degraded centers, still hamper the process, for contributing to real estate speculation in these areas. The built stock of the old centers might help in the reduction of the housing deficit, but it is necessary that the projects are based in fact on the continued sustainability of these areas, and that the main preoccupation moves of the economical exploration for the recuperation socioeconomic of the ancient areas. The thematic clipping of this research were the national programs aimed at reducing the housing deficit, from the BNH to the present with the Minha Casa Minha Vida Program, and the rehabilitation programs of historical areas carried out at the national level from the 1970s when as historical urban areas are considered broadly, with all their problems. One of the objectives of this thesis was to understand the directions defined for the actions of recovery of historical areas, based on the focus of housing use, and for which population they converge, having as an analysis the case of the historical center of João Pessoa, where it was sought to understand rehabilitation programs, given the diversity of problems that an underutilized urban area can present, such as building degradation, use avoidance, obsolete infrastructure and lower income communities, and if compared to other cities, there were the perception of mistakes made and the change of posture, since the understanding of this process can help in the proposition of new possibilities of action.