Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 28/08/2017
HORA: 09:00
LOCAL: Miniauditório do PPGAU/UFRN
The Poetics of the Project: The tectonic expression of architectural projects developed in Final Works of Graduation in Brazilian Schools of Architecture and Urbanism.
Architectural Project. Tectonics. Final Undergraduate Works.
GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
ÁREA: Arquitetura e Urbanismo
Among the topics in vogue in contemporary architecture, there is the discussion about Tectonics, which, unlike the most popular meaning of the word, usually related to the area of Geology, in architecture refers to the use and configuration of a building and the materials used to build it. Two approaches are studied: one acts as a critic to Postmodernism and another as a theoretical-analytical instrument, this one is associated to a topographic dimension, including context, climate and light, and especially to the concept of place-form (form or character of the place), as resistance to the use of technology without regard to the culture of the place. (FRAMPTON, 1995). Tectonics is also associated with tactile dimensions: stereotomic/tectonic, ontological/reresentational and tectonic/atectonic. Emphasizing in the first dichotomy the importance of the site-building relationship, specially to the settlement of the building wrap on the ground, demonstrating the Importance in treating the architectural design within the context in which it is inserted. In this thesis, the question is if the architectural projects developed in final undergraduate works express the concern with the place, regarding the relation building-site and the choice of materials and constructive systems. In other words, what is the tectonic expression of the final undergraduate works in the framptonian sense. The thesis subject of study is the insertion of the tectonics in the architecture projects developed in the final undergraduate works of Architecture and Urbanism schools of Brazil in the last five years. These universities were selected by their tradition in academic research and critical reflection in the area of architectural design, the recognition in teaching quality, the existence of a Post- Graduation in architecture project and the tradition in research and teaching in the area of technology. The purpose of the study is to understand how the architectural projects developed in the final undergraduate works of Architecture and Urbanism schools of Brazil are expressed tectonically, considering the topographical and cultural dimensions of the place, especially, the importance of the constructive materiality of the architecture and the tectonic expression while Construction. The hypothesis is: a significant part of the students of the Architecture and Urbanism courses does not clearly demonstrated , in the architectural projects developed in their Graduation Final Work ,the consideration for the particularities of the site / place where the build will be placed to define the architectonic party and in the incial development of ideas. They also does not consider the cultural context before choosing materials and the constructive systems that it will be adopted. It happens , mainly because of the design culture more grounded in form and function, relegating the tectonic dimensions to a secondary plane. The research used, as a methodological procedure, the analytical and interpretative research by direct observation and analysis of the Final Work of Graduation, in the area of Architectural Design, of architecture and urbanism schools considered as reference in this field in Brazil. The work used technical procedures for multiple case studies, the approach being essentially of a qualitative nature. It has been realized up to now that there is a disparity in the format of development of the Graduation Final Works from the schools and that this is due to the specific norms on the Final Works in which the guidelines are established for the development of the Works. In addition, it is believed that comparing what was perceived in the Graduation Final Works with the bibliography worked helped to perceive the pertinence of the analysis in these projects from the perspective of framptonian tectonics, taking into account a group of characteristics related to the implantation site that , According to the author, are essential, to the design exercise. So far, a confirmation of the research hypothesis has been noticed.
Externo à Instituição - GERMANA COSTA ROCHA - UFPB
Interno - 783.827.344-72 - NATALIA MIRANDA VIEIRA DE ARAUJO - UFPE