GAP 2014 WORLD CUP: effects on space and real estate in Natal / RN.
GAP 2014 WORLD CUP: effects on space and real estate in Natal / RN.
Great Urban Projects (GUP) are large-scale interventions that generate ruptures and contexts of exceptions (spatial and legal) in cities (CUENYA, 2013, p. 10 e ALTSHULER E LUBEROFF, 2003 apud ULTRAMARI E REZENDE, 2007). By including corporate, business, cultural, leisure and housing activities, they are able to attract interested consumer profiles in spaces restructured by space interventions, which in most cases affect real estate valuation processes (HARVEY, 1996; VAINER, 2000 e CUENYA ET AL, 2013). Some of these interventions depend on programs made possible by public administrations in conjunction with private initiative, such as public-private partnerships. The 2014 World Cup in Brazil brought a redirection of investments in infrastructure to host cities that received financial sums from the GAP (Growth Acceleration Program), especially in equipment of great urban impact (arenas, airports, etc.) and Road redesign to accommodate urban mobility (MINISTÉRIO DO PLAJENAMENTO, ORÇAMENTO E GESTÃO, 2015). In other situations, the impact of large urban enterprises has stimulated the emergence of new expansion vectors, causing the spatial reconfiguration, where the real estate market starts to act with greater interest. In Natal, investments received from GAP, since 2011, included the construction of the Arena das Dunas and Aluísio Alves International Airport in São Gonçalo do Amarante (municipality of the Metropolitan Region), and part of the road infrastructure for access to these new equipment, such as the opening of new connections or the expansion of other already consolidated areas. Studies show that in Natal, in a diachronic perspective, large-scale urban projects, since the 1980s, have been directed towards coastal integration and have directly interfered with the process of land and property valuation, within a context of tourism and image diffusion Sun and sea (SILVA, 2010 e 2014). Silva (2014) reveals that between 2007 and 2012 there is a reduction of real estate offers aimed at lower income brackets, at the same time that there is a growing increase in real estate prices for higher income brackets, also perceiving greater appreciation in areas Very close to the works of the Arena, which makes it possible to relate real estate valuation and equipment of great urban impact, as well as greater availability of infrastructure in higher income sectors (CARMO JÚNIOR, 2014). On the other hand, the interest of real estate developers in semi-rural areas in the borderlands between Natal and other municipalities of the Metropolitan Region (SOBRINHA et al, 2015), due to the exhaustion of building areas for new developments within the perimeter of the capital. So the questions are: How did the World Cup GAP have spatially act in real estate valuation in RMNatal? There was real estate appreciation from the occurrence of the works of the 2014 World Cup GAP, as predicted agents involved? These questions arise from the premise that the works of GAP have given specific answers to the restructuring of the space and to the real estate valuation processes. The general objective of the research is to understand the effects caused by the works of the CAP World Cup 2014 in the Metropolitan Region of Natal on space configuration and real estate valuation. The literature points out that just like the 2014 World Cup, mega-event GPUs have brought different scales of territorial valorization from the modification of the urban fabric, even though on a timely basis (CUENYA ET AL,2010; ULTRAMARI E REZENDE, 2007; VAINER 2000; SÁNCHEZ 1999; HARVEY, 1996; FERNANDES ET AL 2004; VALENÇA 2008; LIMA, 2008, BARBOSA, 2014; CARMO JÚNIOR, 2014; FERREIRA, 2003; SILVA ET AL, 2015; SOBRINHA ET AL, 2015; MINISTÉRIO DO PLANEJAMENTO, 2015). In this sense, it is sought specifically (1) to understand the vision of public and private agents directly and / or indirectly involved with the 2014 World Cup in the RMNatal, trying to perceive links between the cup works in its configurational aspects and real estate dynamization through a meeting of newspapers of national circulation, reports and news of local newspapers of circulation; (2) To interpret the real estate dynamics of the city vis-à-vis spatial configuration, through the real estate indicators compiled in classified of newspapers, consultations to real estate agencies and public and private organ linked to the sector; (3) to understand how spatial restructuring preserves relationships with real estate valuation, using the instrumental support of the Synthetic Space Analysis (HILLIER eta al, 1984), which includes quantitative measures on georeferenced linear representations (axial maps), a procedure able to translate graphically aiding interpretations of spatial relations versus real estate value.