The permanence of buildings in ruins in central areas: A case study in João Pessoa-PB, from the perspective of the legal framework.
Urban Ruins , legislation, historical heritage.
This project intends to launch a discussion on ruination process of real estate in Brazil's central areas. More precisely, it aims to study the permanence of urban ruins in the central areas from the perspective of the legal framework concerning these areas. Therefore, the central question of this project is related to the interference of the set of legal and regulatory instruments of urban planning and preservation (by the agencies that regulate and deliberate on the city) in the permanence and increasing the number of buildings in ruins in the central area of João Pessoa. Hence, the thesis study object can be placed from the hypothesis that the dissonance between the instruments of urban legislation and instruments of property law, instead of helping, contributed to the permanence and increasing the number of urban ruins in central area of João Pessoa. As methodology, is taken as the starting point the concept of integrated management of heritage, proposed by the UNESCO’s "Managing Cultural World Heritage" reference manual, which addresses elements, processes and results as categories of analysis for the study of the legal framework, institutional and resources involving patrimony. The empirical object is divided into three levels of observation: the central area of Joao Pessoa, the State's Polygonal of Protection, and 82 properties in precarious conservation status, in ruination process or in ruin, present in the protected area on which this study aims to deepen. The study should have a general analysis of legislation at the federal, state and local levels, taking into account the normative principles, scope, content and application and how these aspects influenced the state of degradation of buildings of the area.