Educational video; Recycling of used cooking oil; Context-based teaching.
Taking into account the importance of linking scientific knowledge, everyday life and school context, approaching social relevant issues is increasingly necessary in order to enhance science teaching and learning, generally, and chemistry in particular. The present research proposal aimed design of an educational video approaching aspects of the problem of the use and disposal of used cooking oil, its environmental impacts, the benefits and costs of recycling this waste, taking into account students' day-to-day experience, chemical knowledge, industrial context and environmental aspects. The study was divided into three general steps: bibliographic review in order to come near to the study object; data collection and organization for designing of an initial version of the audiovisual resource; evaluation of pros and cons of the educational video designed. The first step was useful to defining theoretical framework, taking into account information gathered from didactic experiences published in the literature of the area on the subject object of this work and, especially, categories and guidelines for designing of video scripts presented by authors who produce in that research area, specifically, educational videos; secondly, it was considered the collection of a group of information – about a project under development in a school context, interviews and photographic records of a technical visit to an oil recycling industry – which were gathered and linked, enabling making of the audiovisual material. In order to gather empirical data that contribute for enhancing the Educational Resource proposal, the third step considers carrying out a survey on the perception and opinion of both High School students and teachers about the initial version of the educational video. Finally, it seeks to gather information about didactic-pedagogical potential of the Educational Resource. Findings demonstrate promising advantages of the didactic material designed, mainly, for bringing together different facets of the problem addressed in a single resource, and allowing a relative ease of access and use in diverse scenarios and teaching settings. The data collection of the last step of the research was useful to get new elements to the final version of the Educational Video proposal, contributing to the constitution of a potential didactic resource that can be used in different educational contexts with different pedagogical purposes, in order to enrich the chemistry teaching and learning process and favor the construction of broader knowledge and better-founded attitudes on the addressed topic.