Chamada de trabalhos: IEEE LARS 2022 - 19th Latin American Robotics Symposium SBR 2022 - 14th Brazilian Robotics Symposium

    CFP: Call for Papers - LARS/SBR 2022
    São Bernardo do Campo, Brazil - October 2022

IEEE LARS 2022 - 19th Latin American Robotics Symposium
SBR 2022 - 14th Brazilian Robotics Symposium

The IEEE LARS and SBR (Latin American Robotics Symposium / Brazilian Robotics Symposium) aim at promoting a comprehensive scientific meeting in the area of Intelligent Robotics, bringing together researchers, undergraduate and graduate students of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, Computer Engineering, and related fields.

The event will include technical sessions of an oral presentation of full papers and technical lectures of recognized importance in the area. LARS/SBR will take place in São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo, Brazil from October 18th to 21st, 2022.


1.  Vision in robotics and automation;
2.  Symbol mediated robot behavior control;
3.  Sensory mediated robot behavior control;
4.  Active sensory processing and control;
5.  Industrial applications of autonomous systems;
6.  Sensor modeling and data interpretation e.g. models and software for sensor data integration, 3D scene analysis, environment description and modeling, pattern recognition;
7.  Robust techniques in AI and sensing e.g. uncertainty modeling, graceful degradation of systems;
8.  Robot programming e.g. on-line and off-line programming, discrete event dynamical systems, fuzzy logic;
9.  Multi-Robot and Multi-Agents, Cooperation and Collaboration;
10. CAD-based robotics e.g. CAD-based vision, reverse engineering;
11. Robot simulation and visualization tools;
12. Tele-operated and autonomous systems;
13. Microelectromechanical robots;
14. Robot modeling;
15. Robot control architectures;
16. Sensor-Motor control of Robots;
17. Robot planning, reasoning, communication, adaptation, and learning;
18. Mechanical design;
19. Robotic Manipulators;
20. Robot soccer;
21. Evolutionary robotics;
22. Bio-Inspired robotics;
23. Robots for robotic surgery and rehabilitation;
24. Micro/nano-robotics, new Devices, and materials for robots;
25. Human-Robot Interaction and Interfaces;
26. Education issues in Robotics;
27. Computing architectures;
28. Sensor Networks, architectures of embedded Hardware and software;
29. Self-Localization, Mapping and Navigation;
30. Multi-robot systems;
31. Aerial vehicles;
32. Autonomous vehicles;
33. Mobile robot platforms;
34. Service robots and entertainment robots;
35. Underwater robots;
36. Humanoids.

Chair: Prof. Dr. Reinaldo Augusto da Costa Bianchi - FEI

Chair: Prof. Dr. Bruno Marques Ferreira da Silva - UFRN
Co-chair: Prof. Dr. Thiago Pedro Donadon Homem - IFSP

Accepted papers will be available at IEEE Xplore.
A selected number of outstanding papers will be invited to submit extended versions to a Special Issue of JINT (Journal of Intelligent & Robotics Systems).

Paper registration/submission site open:     April 30th, 2022
Paper Submission DEADLINE:                   July 25th, 2022
Notification of Acceptance:                  September 12th, 2022
Camera Ready Submission:                     October 3rd, 2022
Notícia cadastrada em: 29/04/2022 17:18
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