PPGDEM/CCET PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM DEMOGRAFIA ADMINISTRAÇÃO DO CCET Telefone/Ramal: (84) 99474-6779 https://posgraduacao.ufrn.br/ppgdem


Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 21/02/2019
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: Auditório do CCET

Characteristics of intermunicipal and intramunicipal mobility by work: Evidences for Brazil


Intermunicipal mobility; Intramunicipal mobility; Characteristics; Work; Brazil.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
ÁREA: Demografia

Labor-motivated everyday mobility is a growing type of population displacement in the world and in Brazil. In addition, this mobility points to trends in terms of geographic concentration and change in the profile of those included in these movements over the years. However, research in Brazil has focused on flows in metropolitan areas than on the characteristics of individuals who move daily because of work, to the outside or within municipal territories. In order to understand the differences and similarities in the attributes of the population involved in this mobility, this work aims to analyze the personal characteristics (demographic, occupational and income) of individuals who practice intramunicipal mobility and, especially, intermunicipal mobility motivated by work, in Brazil, in 2000 and 2010. To that end, the microdata of the Demographic Censuses of 2000 and 2010 are the main sources of information. The statistical model adopted (binary logistic regression) shows that the predominant intermunicipal worker, in the year 2000, are men, aged 15 to 24, who have the same chance of being black or brown, with complete or incomplete elementary school, single, living in the urban area of the Southeast region, especially in the metropolitan area, employed with a formal contract, in the service sector, and earns between 2 and 5 minimum wages. On the other hand, the evidenced attributes for the year 2010 show some changes, with men still in majority, the age group predominates between 25 and 39 years, with a tendency to be black, they are more schooled (higher education), singles, they reside in the urban area of the Northeast rather than the Southeast, specifically in non-metropolitan areas, occupied with a formal contract, employed in the services sector, and they earn between 5 and 10 minimum wages. Thus, through both moments, the characteristic of the population that practices the inter-municipal displacement has changed with respect to age, level of education, place where the mobility or flow is practiced and income. Herewith, the evidence found for Brazil is in line with international literature, especially regarding to gender, education level, occupation and income. In addition, the findings of this work reveal that intermunicipal mobility has been reconfigured, where flows show a significant increase, with emphasis on the displacement in non-metropolitan areas, as well as changes in personal characteristics of those work in a different municipality from that of residence

Externo à Instituição - EDUARDO MARANDOLA JR - UNICAMP
Interno - 1422122 - JÁRVIS CAMPOS
Interno - 1880578 - RICARDO OJIMA
Presidente - 167.649.538-05 - SILVANA NUNES DE QUEIROZ - URCA
Notícia cadastrada em: 06/02/2019 18:17
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