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DATE: 23/04/2021
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Videoconferência via Google Meet

Mid-sized cities, spatial interactions, and regional development: a look at the state of Ceará


Ceará. Medium-Sized Cities. Regional Development. Multiscalarity.

PAGES: 147
BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Economia

The repercussions of globalization in the world have brought transformations on a large scale and everywhere. Its processes have indicated the imposition of the logic of flows and networking and discontinuities or fragmentation of spaces, as well as new interpretations of the regional question. The evidence of intra and inter-regional disparities has brought to light the unequal development historically intrinsic to capitalism. From this perspective, one can observe the complexity of what it’s a city and what comes to be transformed under the aegis of the transformations promoted by the human being and by capital. In this context, new roles and values played by cities and their respective regions emerge, as well as it’s important to identify the new urban functions and the new spatial interactions that derive from them, particularly the city-region and inter-urban relations. Thus, the discussion about medium-sized cities presents itself as a complex tool of the new economic-spatial relations. Therefore, it’s present in the debates on urban and regional planning, which gives it a significant importance in contemporary studies. Then, they play new roles in the contemporary spatial logic, expanding their role as multiscale articulator of the territories. In view of this, the present work has as a general objective to analyze the medium-sized cities of Ceará as fundamental agents in the process of promoting regional development in their areas of influence from a multiscale perspective. The methodology is bibliographically based, making use of exploratory and descriptive methods with quali-quantitative analysis. The period of analysis understands the two decades of the 21st century. The research locus is the state of Ceará. The classification and the criterion established to define the medium-sized cities comprise those with between 75,000 and 500,000 habitants, having as a guiding hypothesis the existence of medium-sized cities with lower population numbers and with enough capacity to perform the same functions as a medium-sized city classified by IBGE, highlighting their urban and regional functionalities, such as Picos-PI and Pau dos Ferros-RN. Therefore, 11 cities were defined, namely: Canindé, Crateús, Crato, Iguatu, Itapipoca, Juazeiro do Norte, Quixadá, Quixeramobim, Russas, Sobral and Tianguá. The justification for using this classification is based on the assumption that the population issue no longer guides a city to present complex intermediary functions and roles or regional centers beyond the metropolitan region. Furthermore, although Caucaia, Maracanaú, Maranguape, Pacatuba, and Aquiraz meet the established criterion, they will not be in the scope of this study, since they are inserted in the Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza, which presents a strong concentration of the State's productive structure, and because of this, they do not exercise the intrinsic characteristics of a medium-sized city. Therefore, we conclude that the analyzed medium-sized cities have mechanisms to promote the regionalization of development, being strategic points and, in the case of some of them, already consolidated as spaces for the promotion of regional development policies, each with its own spatial dimensions. Moreover, some researches that preceded the REGIC 2007 (2008) already attested that some of these cities could be characterized as medium-sized cities.

Externo ao Programa - 2177279 - DENILSON DA SILVA ARAUJO
Externo à Instituição - FRANCISCO DO O DE LIMA JÚNIOR - URCA
Notícia cadastrada em: 29/03/2021 10:35
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