The buchada of dramaturge and the marrow of scenic scripture: production of a dramaturgy and its different engenderments
dramaturgical writing: contemporary dramaturgy: creation processes.
This research aims to reflect on elements of contemporary dramaturgy, starting from a theoretical study and the production of a dramaturgical experiment. The study used different technical and sensitive references, mainly a theoretical survey about the work of Jean-Pierre Sarrazac. Then a dramaturgical experiment was produced (The Nature of the Red Onion [A natureza da cebola roxa]) as a writing exercise for a contemporary drama. Finally, the reflections of this research are presented: an analysis of the writing process; an observation of the work in its convergences and divergences with the presented theorists; and some notes about the research construction process and its likely referrals. Finally, a formulation of possible metaphors about contemporary dramaturgy in general, bringing traditional northeastern dishes, buchada and marrow, closer to the dramatic text.