Life experiences; Hero’s Journey; Mytodology in art; Cara da Mãe
Amid the desire to tell the story of her ancestors and her mother, through dance and (acting) dramatics, Janaína Gomes got pregnant of Lótus, her son. During the same period, two other artists, Ana Luiza Bione and Íris Campos, both who were also pregnant, were invited by Janaina to join in the process and together they founded the scenic theatrical collective Tenda Vermelha, in the City of Recife- PE, in the year 2012. In search for a way to express herself through the maternal experiences of each artist of this collective, the author stumbled upon the Mythodology in art ‘a means to creation’ by Luciana Lyra (2010), and use the concept to reach out to other collectives, especially, other maternal related ones. Mythodology, - term applied here in the context of Art- Was developed by the PhD. Luciana Lyra and in summary is a scenic performance composite that deals with one’s personal efforts, both introspectively and in relation with otherness, thus, creating a continuous reaction from both the actor and his consciousness towards others involved on the scenic performance. Written in an autobiographical way (JOSSO, 2009), this thesis intends to engulf the journey of the hero (CAMPBELL, 2007) and the notion of anthropological path (DURAND, 2012). This thesis aims to unveil the investigative plot undertaken by Janaíana Gomes, and her scenic theatrical collective, Tenda Vermelha, by using the Mythodology in Art concept. Plot that has just become a theatrical play entitled Cara da Mãe, directed by the same PdD. Luciana Lyra.