Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 30/07/2024
TIME: 10:00
LOCAL: Sala de Multimeios 02 - Centro de Educação



teacher training, arts, scenic experiments, artistic-pedagogical practices, cartography.

PAGES: 103
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Educação

what are the potentialities of the arts in teacher education? driven by this question, this master’s research aimed to map the potentialities of scenic experiments in initial teacher education, with students from various undergraduate programs (physics, theater, mathematics, visual arts, physical education) in a mixed didactics class offered at the federal university of rio grande do norte. to this end, eight scenic experiments were conducted during the classes of this curricular component, proposed in workshops with the class, exploring body movements that are generally not part of learning to be a teacher at the university. accompanied by studies that open the doors to researching the interfaces between arts and education — freire (1992), hooks (2013), rufino (2019), loponte (2005, 2014, 2017), ciotti (2013), hoff (2011), coutinho (2018, 2022, 2024), among others — the research was not concerned with “solving a problem” in the field of teacher education, but focused on experimenting, along with the undergraduates, with formative pathways influenced by what the poetic learning studies collective (cnpq-ufrn) calls “poetic movements” of teaching (coutinho, 2024). in this context, the practices with the didactics class were initially proposed in this research to provoke work with three specific poetic movements: listening, creation/improvisation, and play. during the work, the emergence of three other movements that intersected the limits of the practices was observed: presence, time, and affection. these poetic movements outlined the mobile map of the potentialities of scenic experiments in initial teacher education. as these are movements, it is important to state that, in its methodological orientation, the processes that composed the mobile map of this research were immersed in lines that connect, intersect, and/or unfold, endowed with different meanings with each new look that is cast upon them.

Interna - 1755707 - KARYNE DIAS COUTINHO
Externo ao Programa - 1754863 - ROBSON CARLOS HADERCHPEK - UFRNExterno à Instituição - SAIMONTON TINOCO DA SILVA
Notícia cadastrada em: 23/07/2024 13:03
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