Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 19/12/2017
HORA: 09:00
LOCAL: Auditório B do CCHLA

A SOCIAL STUDY OF IMAGES: meanings and multidiversity in the work of Mário Vitória


Socio-imaginary Cartography. Development of knowledge through. Images-Mário Vitória. Pluri-diversity and its meanings. Ecology-Epistemologies of the South.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Sociologia

It is said that the viewing of the image precedes the reading of the words. The production of images, the access to them and, mainly, the visual language communication are borderless when it comes to social, cultural and cognitive boundaries. The human dynamics on the visual language are broader and more frequent when compared to other languages. The development of knowledge with images – which visualises realities produced as non-existent – can collaborate in the contextualization of social, cultural and human core issues. It can be identified by analysing the expressions of the Lusitanian plastic artist Mário Vitória (MV), delineated from 2006 to 2017. It is observed that MV creates scenarios with the proposal of dialogues between diversities, he reveals the insurgent character committed to social intervention in the images through visual representations of the contemporary world; the creations establish dense criticism of hegemonic practices based on capitalism, colonialism and patriarchy. Connections of thoughts are unveiled enabling a process of translation (Boaventura S. Santos) – like creation of networks – through which a wide range of valid meanings can be known to the development of socially prudent practices and knowledge. The study is composed in a dialogical perspective, highlighting the plurality of knowledge which tipically Epistemologies of the South (SANTOS, 2010). It is inquired: how can we socially interpret images? And how is it possible to understand the connections of meaning between the social dynamics and the imaginary expressed in the work of Mario Vitória? Before the complexity of MV imaging compositions, it is proposed a Social Images Study that visualizes relations between diverse experiences, sometimes disregarded by the hegemonic paradigm. The objective is to create an image study that demonstrates a network of social meanings of the visual representations of the work (paintings and drawings [2006-2017]), emphasising the agents, practices and social thoughts. As specific objectives it is intended: a) to map the work of Mário Vitória, looking at the phenomena of domination, emancipation and dialogue; b) to demonstrate the process of production of social sense of the images; c) to discuss the images as expressions of social tensions in the contemporary conjuncture. It is supported by references to social sciences, image theory, Symbolic Cartography (SANTOS) and contributions of the triadic semiotic reasoning of C. Sanders Peirce.  During the analysis of meanings perceived in the images the category sociocultural and epistemic pluri-diversity is privileged. The discussion is mediated by the concept of ecology (SANTOS, 2004), seeking to cooperate in the construction of a critical social thought through images, also it is believed to reveal a process of social and cognitive justice. The configuration of a Socio-imaginary Cartography is believed, revealing a web of social meanings linked to the images and it is perceived that the work investigated opposes the wasting of experience by including in its creations hybrid, heteroclite and intense elements; it breaks with the idea of homogeneous beings, and the monoculture of thoughts and it breaks with the dominant paradigm that determines the uniformity and standardization of practices and cognitions, crossing sociocultural and epistemic boundaries and establishes pluri-diversity as the vital centre of relations and construction of knowledge.

Externo ao Programa - 2475502 - ITAMAR DE MORAIS NOBRE
Interno - 056.761.694-00 - JOSE WILLINGTON GERMANO - UFRN
Externo à Instituição - JOSELITO SANTOS - UNIFACISA
Presidente - 128.529.294-49 - VANIA DE VASCONCELOS GICO - UFRN
Notícia cadastrada em: 12/12/2017 11:17
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