Anti-racist in Higher Education: an analysis based on the experience of Coletivo NEGRAS at UFERSA
Anti-racist Education; University education; Formative Action; Black Women.
This work aims to understand the educational and training experience of the Coletivo Negras (extension group in gender studies, ethnic-racial relations, learning and knowledge). This group is taken as a political-epistemic instrument in the promotion of anti-racist education at a Federal Public University in the Semi-arid region. His intention is to promote the strengthening of the production of knowledge for the ethnic-racial relations of black women, in the appreciation of social identities and anti-racist education in contemporary times. The work is theoretically based on authors from the field of Human and Social Sciences and in dialogue with Education and ethnic-racial issues that discuss the theme, AZEVEDO (2018); ALMEIDA (2018); KNIGHT (2001); SOUZA (1983); SILVA (2011); BIRTH (2018); GUIMARÃES (2008); GONZALEZ (2018); GOMES (2018) and CARNEIRO (2002). From a qualitative point of view, the question is: how are anti-racist educators trained in higher education? As a hypothesis: the experience of Coletivo Negras allows us to understand the training processes of new educators committed to overcoming racial inequalities. For the construction of this study, the ethnographic method is used in order to understand and describe with density the collective studied. The ethnographic method is important, as it enables the observation and participation, as a teacher-researcher, of the activities developed in the sociocultural context of black women, such proximity corroborates in order to know their values, behaviors, beliefs and worldviews. Therefore, considering the scenario of social inequalities, the research intends to understand ethnic-racial relations. As partial results, the experiences of black women envisioned in Coletivo Negras enable a formative and anti-racist action between university and society.