Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 23/11/2016
HORA: 15:00
LOCAL: Sala 901 do CCHLA

The "Rosadismo" to "Rosalbismo" - The PATH POLICY of Rosalba Ciarlini in MOSSORÓ (1989-2016)


“Rosadismo”; “Rosalbismo”; Mossoró.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Ciência Política
SUBÁREA: Comportamento Político
ESPECIALIDADE: Comportamento Legislativo

he most recent studies on local government in Mossoro bother to study the ways in which the Rosado family manages to stay as political leadership in the city of Mossoro from the analysis of the managements of Rosalba Ciarlini, or any member of their group, ahead of local executive power. What you may notice is that even with the democratization of the country, with the enactment of the 1988 Federal Constitution, with the increasing urbanization of Mossoro and all changes of settings and subjects that urbanization brings in the way of "doing politics "no significant changes that have shaken the social and political structure of the command of the Rosado family Mossoro. The statement can be proven in the municipal election 2016 when Rosalba Ciarlini was elected once again - for the fourth time - city mayor and "passion" with which mossoroenses rallied around his candidacy. The perception, at first glance, is that Rosalba strengthened its leading local politics from successive victories in local elections, a fact that could boost his election as governor of Rio Grande do Norte and ascends it as political leadership of Rosé beyond city of Mossoro. The central subject of the thesis is the study of the oligarchy Rosado in the city of Mossoro from the year 1988 until the year 2016. More precisely investigate Rosalba Ciarlini as local political leadership. The Rosado family tries to stay in power. The new fact is the emergence of "Rosalbismo" where Rosalba, even if belonging to the family, that is, one Rosado Rosado does not use the name. Perhaps as a way to relieve the oligarchy, or perhaps because it is a new form of domination that arises within the family, as pointed Queiroz (1976) to speak of the various types of despotism. The fact is that the "Rosalbismo" has achieved successive electoral victories in the Mossoro policy making across other segments of the Rosado family also vying for power at the local level. The thesis has the following problem: How was the inclusion of Rosalba Ciarlini in local municipal politics? From what strategies became possible to project the name of Rosalba the local political leadership in 1988? What mechanisms were used for that strengthen Mossoro what has been called the city's "Myth of the Rose"? What were the alliances made by Rosalba group (with state political leaders or local leaders) that made possible the consolidation of Rosalbismo versus other existing wards in the family? As objectives, has the following: General: To investigate how was the inclusion of Rosalba Ciarlini in local municipal politics, analyzing the various alliances made by his political group with the state political leaders, as well as how the Rosalbismo was to building in the city and which alliances at the local level, they were undertaken by this group, so the Rosalbismo could excel the other existing wards in the family. Specific: 1. Show how was the emergence of Rosalba Ciarlini as local political leadership and from what strategies your name was built to launch another candidate against Rosado - Laire Rosado in the 1988 campaign; 2. To investigate the alliances made by the family group Rosalba to see which strategies were made that were able to consolidate the "Rosalbismo" in Mossoro and his election as governor of the state of Rio Grande do Norte; 3. Demonstrate that the joints and / or alliances made by Rosalba group at the local level, which managed to get the "Rosalbismo" if sobressaísse on other wards or existing groups in the family and local leadership of the family.

Presidente - 414603 - HOMERO DE OLIVEIRA COSTA
Externo ao Programa - 7346854 - JOSE LACERDA ALVES FELIPE
Notícia cadastrada em: 16/11/2016 13:14
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