Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 10/12/2019
TIME: 09:00
LOCAL: Auditório do LGGP I

Stratigraphic analysis of Rift and Post-Rift offshore sections of Potiguar Basin, Brazil Northeast


Potiguar Basin; Sequence Stratigraphy; Tectonic System Tract

BIG AREA: Ciências Exatas e da Terra
AREA: Geociências

The Potiguar Basin (BP), located in the northeast of Brazil, is a passive margin basin covering the states of RN and CE with an approximated area of 48.000 km² and most of it located in the offshore part. This is associated with the Supercontinent Gondwana break up and the segregation of South American and African plates and the formation of the Atlantic Ocean. Because of the ruptural strain episode a system of Cretaceous continental rifts was developed in Brazil northeast originating a sedimentary succession with favorable characteristics to petroleum systems formation. The Potiguar Basin located on Equatorial Margin is one of the sedimentary basins of this system and its sedimentary filling is indicated by deposits related to three distinct stages: Rift, Post-Rift and Drift. The Rift represents the initial filling of the basin under strong tectonic control and it’s marked by the continental deposits of the Pendência and Pescada formations. The Post-Rift stage is developed in a relatively quiet tectonic regime composed  of  gradual continental systems for marine  systems of  the Alagamar Formation,  an event associated to the first marine incursion episode of BP. The subsequent deposition, filled by marine sequences raised under a thermal subsidence condition and isostatic compensation, characterizes the Drift stage. In order to better understand the Rift and Post-Rift BP successions, this study was based on well information analysis and interpretation of seismic data 2D, using sequence stratigraphy analysis technics, suiting the concepts for rift basins. As a result of well data analysis (lithological and gamma ray information), conglomerate, sandstone, pelitic and carbonate lithofacies were identified for Rift and Post-Rift sections. The depositional systems could be interpreted as well the main surfaces was delimited and the stratigraphic units recognized. All of this were organized in 1D diagrams. At the seismostratigraphic analysis, the reflectors termination were identified, essential to delimitate horizons and consequent definition of the chronostratigraphic surfaces, besides the definition of seismic facies and their external geometry. Once tectonics is the control factor of creation rates for accommodation space and sedimentary aport, the definition of progradation and retrogradation cycles allowed to understand its basin filling control from Barremian to Aptian interval as well as could recognize tectonic system tracts, following the Kuchle & Scherer (2010) model: Rift Initiation Tectonic System Tract (TST), Half-Graben Development TST, Rift Climax TST, Rift End TST, and Post- Rift TST. This study indicates the importance of applying the sequence stratigraphy method to rift context as well as to the characterization of petroleum systems in the Pendência, Pescada and Alagamar formations

Externa ao Programa - 1884342 - DEBORA DO CARMO SOUSA
Externa ao Programa - 277437 - MARCELA MARQUES VIEIRA
Presidente - 1149363 - VALERIA CENTURION CORDOBA
Notícia cadastrada em: 28/11/2019 10:28
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