Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 23/03/2017
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: Auditório do Departamento de Geografia



Coastal Plain; Anthropogenic intervention; Socio-environmental impacts

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Geografia

Located in triple contact interface between the ocean, the continent and the atmosphere, coastal regions boast high dynamism and complexity, conditioned both by nature a dynamic global (climate, plate tectonics, sea level), as coast (waves, tides and coastal currents) and social (history, culture, politics, economy). These are spaces of recognized natural fragility, as are environments with recent geological formation, with physically soft sediments and ecologically mature. However, despite this recognized natural fragility. It is observed accentuated pressures of human settlement along the shores of the coastal countries, as a result of the significant increase of the real estate valuation in these spaces and the development of various economic activities that exploit their natural resources and potential. It is of the view that anthropogenic interferences reflect on negative impacts in environment, consequently, society in it, causing the formation of socio-environmental impacts, depending on how man relates to the nature and socially. It is in this context that is part of the coastal plain of the municipality of Extremoz, RN. In this sense, defined as objective of this search an integrated way analyze the socio-environmental impacts arising from the occupation of the soil on the coastal plain of the municipality of Extremoz. Considering the inseparability between society and environment. Seeking to understand the geographical reality in your essence, taking into account the conflicts, contradictions, mediations and other particularities of social and environmental dynamics. Or social relations while creating impacts and socio-spatial problems. To this end, we use the geossistêmica approach and the concept of landscape as a category of geographical analysis. We guide operationally in bibliographic and field research, cartographic production and integrated analysis of landscape units and local socio-spatial dynamics. The achievement of this research is justified in view of the important role played by geossistêmicos studies of socio-environmental analysis, standing out as a supporting instrument in the construction of environmental indicators and the evaluation of environmental support capacity, in order to promote the sustainable use of natural resources for the maintenance of an ecologically balanced environment for current and future societies. The partial results show that the coastal plain of Extremoz is characterized by the diversity of its physical-natural aspects and the conformation of landscapes with singular scenic beauty, standing out the configuration of beaches, dunes (fixed and mobile) and interdunary lagoons, which come being exploited, mainly, by tourist activities. However, the considerable increase in mesh spatially local urban, corroborating the increasing mismatch between social relations and the physical-natural local characteristics. Resulting in diverse socio-environmental impacts, among them the decharacterization of dunes, the silting of the fluvial channels, the misrepresentation of the landscape, the socio-spatial segregation, the inadequate disposal of garbage and the lack of basic sanitation. Therefore, it is evident the need to consider the peculiarities of the study area to plan and manage it rationally, and thus promote its sustainable use and conservation of its natural resources.

Externo ao Programa - 1549838 - MARCELO DOS SANTOS CHAVES
Externo ao Programa - 1242208 - RODRIGO DE FREITAS AMORIM
Presidente - 2177287 - ZULEIDE MARIA CARVALHO LIMA
Notícia cadastrada em: 09/03/2017 14:29
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