Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 01/03/2024
TIME: 15:00
LOCAL: Sala 06 - DEF

TEACHING BADMINTON IN SCHOOL PHYSICAL EDUCATION: experimenting the critical-emancipatory conception in a municipal public school in Natal/RN


Physical education. Elementary School. Badminton. Critical-emancipatory.

PAGES: 166
BIG AREA: Ciências da Saúde
AREA: Educação Física

The teaching of hegemonic traditional sports in Physical Education classes and the limited diversification of their content are important problems in the area. Traditional teaching centered on traditional team sports based on the principles of performance and competition has generated the exclusion of the weak at the expense of the more skilled. The reduced diversification of content is highlighted in the literature as a reason for evasion. In this sense, badminton presents itself as a possibility for diversification, being a non-traditional, inclusive and fun sport. Thus, we developed the teaching of badminton in a Critical-Emancipatory conception, experimenting with educational possibilities. Given this, the study question was: how to teach badminton in Physical Education classes in Elementary School Final Years from the perspective of the Critical-Emancipatory Conception? The general objective: to build, apply and evaluate a badminton teaching proposal in Physical Education classes in Elementary School Final Years based on the Critical-Emancipatory Conception. Specific objectives: describe the limit transcendences developed in a badminton teaching unit; discuss possibilities for developing creative educational competence; reflect the gender relations of students in badminton classes in School Physical Education and analyze students' perceptions and feelings in their experiences in badminton classes. This is qualitative action research of a descriptive-exploratory nature. The setting was the Escola Municipal Professor Zuza, Natal/RN, involving the 8th grade classes A, B and C. To achieve this, we built a badminton teaching unit with 15 60-minute classes held between May and August 2023. Classes were held in the classroom, video room and courtyard. The pedagogical planning consisted of: project socialization meeting, diagnostic assessment and class planning. The instruments were: questionnaires, student field diary, image recordings and participant observation. The research was approved by CEP/UFRN, under opinion number 5,918,088 on May 3, 2023. The answers to the diagnostic questionnaires revealed that the majority of students were unaware of badminton and few already knew how to play. Notes in the student's field diaries indicated that, despite the low return of notebooks, significant written reflections on the classes were obtained. In participant observation, tensions between bodies regarding gender relations were verified, which were minimized through problematizations and discussions. The answers to the experience questionnaires showed that badminton promoted the effective participation of everyone in co-educational classes. Furthermore, the experiences generated opportunities for students: fun, inclusion, social interaction, creativity, communication and co-education. Therefore, we consider that the didactic unit developed was significant in the training of students based on badminton teaching, resulting in a successful pedagogical practice, capable of developing new learning, skills and educational capabilities in students.

Interno - 1278591 - AGUINALDO CESAR SURDI
Externo à Instituição - ALISON PEREIRA BATISTA - IFRN
Presidente - 1714277 - ANTONIO DE PADUA DOS SANTOS
Externo à Instituição - Roseli Belmonte Machado - UFRGS
Notícia cadastrada em: 06/02/2024 10:55
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