
UFRN’s Graduate Program in Production Engineering (PEP-UFRN) was created and approved by CAPES in 1998 and started its activities in 1999. The Program currently has the Production Engineering program in the stricto sensu modality, at the academic master's degree level, with 249 dissertations defended. In its creation project, several strategic objectives were drawn up in the various areas of production engineering and of its responsibilities.

PEP-UFRN's main purpose is the dissemination and production of scientific knowledge in the area of Production Engineering, providing human resources with specialized knowledge with a view to their insertion and integration into the service, commercial, industrial and academic sectors. The program’s goal is to occupy a prominent position in the Northeast Region, serving as a reference among the best graduate programs in the country.

The Program has two missions that characterize its objectives:

The first mission considers the education/training of human resources. The objective is to train/educate professors-researchers for higher education programs and/or research institutions in response to the demands of the productive sector.
In the second mission of the PEP, the carrying out of scientific research and high level technological development, with specifics of the productive systems. The goal is the generation of the scientific knowledge that will serve as the basis for the technological development of the productive systems.
Profile of graduate:

The Master in Production Engineering at UFRN is a professional with a broad and critical perspective of production systems, updated with the main methods and techniques of his/her area of concentration, able to: (i) research and teaching at undergraduate and lato sensu graduate level, including orientation/advising of students of these modalities; and (ii) working in private or public companies of the industrial or services sector.

COORDINATOR: Mario O. A. González (email:, contact: (+ 55 84) 3342-2255, extension 402 or option 3 / (+ 55 84) 99474-6681

VICE-COORDINATOR: José Alfredo F. Costa (email:, contact: (+ 55 84) 3342-2255, ext 402 or option 3 / (+ 55 84) 99474-6681

SECRETARY: Paula Ferreira (email:, phones: (84) 3342-2255, extension 402 or option 3 / (+ 55 84) 99474-6681

OFFICE HOURS: 08:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. / 01:30 p.m. to 05:30 p.m.

Location: Centro de Tecnologia (CT) - Complexo Tecnológico de Engenharia (CTEC) – Room 226, 1st floor.

Alternative Address

Program Coordination

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