elisama vieira dos santos


Perfil Pessoal

Descrição pessoal
Elisama Vieira dos Santos is graduated in Chemistry at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (2009). She obtained her Ph.D degree in Chemical Sciences at UFRN in 2015. During that period, a working experience at the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha was performed by her under supervisor of Prof. Manuel Andrés Rodrigo. She has been extremely active in the field of environmental electrochemistry: electrochemical oxidation of organic pollutants for wastewater treatment, the role of electrode material in the electrochemical incineration of organic compounds, applicability of electroanalytical techniques for detecting heavy metals. In the last years, she has dedicated great efforts to the treatment of soils by electrokinetic remediation and coupling electrochemical approaches for depolluting soils (electrochemical oxidation, washing soil, sonolysis, photolysis, photo-electrolysis, sono-electrolysis). The cutting-edge research developed and the relevance of her scientific contributions has been internationally recognized with prestigious international award, LÓREAL-UNESCO ?For Women in Sciences? (Brazil). Currently, she is assistant professor in the School of Sciences and Engineering Technologies at the UFRN.
Formação acadêmica/profissional (Onde obteve os títulos, atuação profissional, etc.)
2011 - 2015 Doutorado em Química (Conceito CAPES 4). Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, UFRN, Brasil.
Áreas de Interesse (áreas de interesse de ensino e pesquisa)
Tratamento de efluentes derivados da industria petroquímica
Tratamento de solos e aguas contaminados com pesticidas
Eletroquímica ambiental
Processos Oxidativos Avançados
Electroanalysis para monitoramento ambiental
Currículo Lattes:

Formação Acadêmica

Formação acadêmica não cadastrada


Endereço profissional
Escola de Ciências e Tecnologia / UFRN
Campus Universitário Lagoa Nova - Natal - RN
CEP: 59078-970
não informado
não informado
Endereço eletrônico