Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 16/02/2023
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: VIDEOCONFERÊNCIA (a ser publicado no Forum do Sigaa)

Analysis of the impact of the consumer's impulsiveness degree on the purchase decision under time pressure


Consumer behavior. Buying decision. Time pressure. Impulsivity. 

PAGES: 122
BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Administração
Human beings have been living by the clock. The greater access we have to information and other people via the internet, the more our lives seem to be accelerated and we have the feeling that we lack time in the twenty-four hours that the clock imposes on us. When the time available for carrying out a given task is perceived as less than the time believed to be necessary for this, time pressure is observed which, for the virtual consumer, takes the form of limited time offers and flash sales, which can cause so-called impulse buying. This research aimed to analyze the impact of consumers' degree of impulsiveness on their purchase decisions when there is time pressure. The study was developed in three stages, namely: (i) impulsivity test, using the BIS-11 Scale; (ii) online shopping simulation under conditions of presence and absence of time pressure and (iii) post-experiment questionnaire, where the participants' conscious perceptions were compared to their responses in the experiment. The research was carried out with 32 participants over 18 years old, with at least incomplete higher education. The methodology consisted of quantitative exploratory research. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics, multiple linear regression, linear probability model and moderation analysis. As a result, a moderating effect of the consumer's degree of non-planning impulsiveness on the relationship between time pressure and the purchase decision was identified, through the weakening of the negative relationship between these variables. It was also observed that the effect of time pressure is significant only for consumers with non-planning impulsivity scores less than or equal to 23 points and that its effect is consciously perceived by consumers, even when it ceases to be significant.

Externo à Instituição - ELDER SEMPREBON
Externa à Instituição - MARCELA MARTINS SILVA - UFRN
Presidente - 2859852 - MAX LEANDRO DE ARAUJO BRITO
Notícia cadastrada em: 06/02/2023 09:21
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