Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 29/08/2022
TIME: 10:00
LOCAL: Auditório do POP-Rn

The technomorphology of Rio Grande do Norte: territorial dynamics of Infovia Potiguar


Technomorphology, Rio Grande do Norte, Infovia Potiguar

PAGES: 336
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Geografia
SUBÁREA: Geografia Regional

The discussion about technomorphology of the territory of Rio Grande do Norte, considering the implementation of the Infovia Potiguar, through the RN Point of Presence (PoP-RN) of the National Education and Research Network (RNP), consists in the understanding of different technical infrastructures present in this territory, some pre-existing and others being created to composse the territorial configuration of this high-capacity information network that intends to provide quality Internet acess for the state trough the academic network, the government network, the use by partners companies which will consequently allow this acess to the general population. Thus, knowing the differences in the territory of RN about the different levels of density related to information networks, especially in terms of quality, the research aims to understand the territorial configuration of Infovia Potiguar, due to the need for a more exact spatialization of the structures, materialities, the uses of the territory imbricated to this configuration in the state. For this reason, the objective of this research is to analyze this territorial configuration and the consequent uses of the territory of the RN, from territorial transformations in the technical-scientific-informational environment of the state, which includes as specific objectives to understand the materialization of this territorial configuration (techniques networks and services networks), to analyze the regionalization of information and uses by different agents of the territory and the opportunities and challenges of better territorial management allowed by this enterprise in the state. For this, the research is based on the theory of space, as a totality, by Milton Santos, the concepts of territory, region, network and place and the Method of Regional Analysis, with emphasis on the geographical complex of Pierre Monbeig and the categories of analysis, which are the landscape, the territorial configuration, the use of the territory and the management of the territory, in addition to the region as a fact and the region as a tool to handle the analysis of the research object listed. Still on the bibliographical research, a survey was carried out on information networks, including the Internet, in a more historical and technical perspective, in the world, in Brazil and in the state of RN. A documentary survey was also carried out specifically for the regulation of telecommunications, the Internet and RNP in Brazil and Infovia Potiguar in the state of RN. In the laboratory stage, maps representing the territorial configuration of Infovia Potiguar in the state of RN were produced, based on data obtained from PoP-RN technicians, in addition to other information through semi-structured interviews, which allowed analysis from a point of view more technical, but which could also be related to territorial uses and transformations in the state by this infrastructure. Finally, the system of indicators for this research was also developed, called the Information Management Indicator System by Infovia Potiguar in Rio Grande do Norte (SIGIP-RN), which also allowed to base analyzes established from the quantitative data listed, from the qualitative variables of such a system of indicators.

Interno - 1530760 - RAIMUNDO NONATO JUNIOR
Externa à Instituição - MYRIEM ABOUTAHER
Externo à Instituição - SERGIO VIANNA FIALHO
Notícia cadastrada em: 11/08/2022 15:05
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